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Duncan Marino, the notorious bad boy and heartbreak of Wawanakwa High, found himself engulfed in the shadows of a Saturday night, reclined on his bed, exhaling plumes of smoke through the open window. In the backdrop of his rebellious tendencies lay the stark reality of his parents, both law enforcers, and the looming consequences of his actions. Despite their relentless efforts to guide him down the right path, Duncan relished the adrenaline and thrill that accompanied defiance. Even though he maintained a somewhat stable attendance at school, managing to somehow pass, his parents held onto the hope that he would successfully graduate high school.

Taking a final drag from his joint, Duncan glanced at the time on his phone — one AM glowed on the screen. He freshened up and made his way to Geoff's place, just a few houses down. Geoff, a one of his best friends who also happens to throw amazing parties, was set to host yet another one. This weekend, Geoff's parents were once again absent on a business trip, leaving him no choice but to throw one. The invitation list stretched far beyond the familiar faces,  and even strangers to Geoff. It mattered little to him, as long as everyone had fun in the night.

Approaching the door, Duncan could already sense the rhythmic pulse of music echoing through the house, an audible prelude to the wild night that awaited. A chuckle escaped him, a knowing anticipation of the madness about to unfold. His icy blue eyes surveyed the scene as he entered what was typically the living room —   drunken teenagers, couples entwined, substances indulged, bodies dancing.

"Yo, Duncan is here!" Geoff's voice shattered Duncan's trance. The blonde gave him a fist bump and a small, drunken smile from Bridgette greeted him.

"Of course, bro. Couldn't miss it," Duncan smirked, his laughter mingling with the chaotic atmosphere. Geoff's dilated pupils resembled Jupiters, and Bridgette clung to him for support. "You good, Malibu?"

"Never been bett-er," Bridgette hiccuped, a tipsy grin playing on her lips.

Duncan chuckled, turning to Geoff, "Yo, still got anything?"

"Of course, man." Geoff fished out a small bag with a few pills.

Pure euphoria encapsulated in a tiny pill.

"It's some good shit, bro. I'm on cloud nine right now," Geoff exclaimed eagerly.

"I noticed."

Duncan took half a pill and washed it down with a swig of beer, the promise of the night's euphoria lingering in the air.

"Yo, Geoff, we need more beer for the beer pong!" someone called out.

Geoff turned to Duncan, saying, "That's my cue, bro. Catch you later." With that, the two blondes departed.

Duncan chuckled, heading to the kitchen to fix himself a drink. Along the way, he caught snippets of hushed conversations among some girls.

"Oh my god, is that the Duncan?"

"He's so hot!"

"I wonder if he'll notice me!"

He smirked, rolling his eyes. The bad boy charm never seemed to fade. Tonight, though, Duncan wasn't in the mood for such attention, so he brushed off the admiring whispers. Pouring himself a rum and coke, he popped the other half of the pill, seeking a momentary escape. In the kitchen, Lindsay Smith, known for her looks but lacking in intelligence, rambled on about her boyfriend Tatum to Beth, unable to recall his actual name. Duncan couldn't help but roll his eyes at the spectacle.

Focused on his own agenda, Duncan made his way to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. He noticed a small bag on the table, this time filled with powder. Heather was beside him, enthusiastically discussing her new car gifted by her parents for her 18th birthday. Duncan couldn't help but notice her current state and imagined Alejandro would be the one driving her home.

Unimpressed, Duncan kept silent, not bothering to contribute to the conversation. Instead, he reached into his pocket, pulling out another bag of powder. Retrieving his keys, he crafted a small hill and snorted the contents, seeking an escape from the world around him.

In the dimly lit room, the air hung heavy with anticipation as Duncan, felt the world around him shift. A gentle wave of warmth cascaded over his body, starting from the pit of his stomach and spreading to the tips of his fingers. It was as if the ordinary boundaries that held him to reality were loosening, allowing a surge of blissful energy to course through his veins.

Colors, once muted, now danced in vibrant hues, captivating his senses with an intensity he had never known. The music that pulsed through the room became a symphony of euphoria, each beat resonating with his accelerating heartbeat. Every touch, every fleeting contact with the air, sent shivers of pleasure cascading across his skin.

Duncan's usually guarded demeanor crumbled as an overwhelming sense of connection enveloped him. Conversations, once mere exchanges of words, transformed into shared moments of profound understanding. Faces around him blurred, and the boundary between self and other dissolved into a collective sea of elation.

In this altered state, time became an elusive concept, slipping through his grasp like sand through clenched fingers. The minutes felt like stolen fragments of eternity, and the outside world ceased to exist as Duncan surrendered to the enchanting dance of the drug.

Yet, within this euphoria, there lingered a subtle undercurrent of danger, a whisper of consequences yet to unfold. Duncan felt immense joy but knew his happy moment was fleeting, standing on the brink of uncertainty after the euphoric experience.

"Druggie," Heather stated, her disgust dripping from every word. "Don't think Miss CIT would be so happy with you."

Duncan rolled his eyes and abandoned the couch. Starting a discussion wasn't worth his time, but Heather had a point. Courtney wasn't the biggest fan of his occasional habit, even though she believed he had quit hard substances. Tonight was just a momentary escape as senior year loomed, and the thought of Courtney leaving unsettled him.

Heading to the backyard, Duncan lit up a cigarette, needing the nicotine kick to brush off Heather's judgment. Despite his tough exterior, Courtney's disapproval always got to him. Yet, in his altered state of mind, he wasn't prepared for a bad trip. Courtney remained a sensitive topic, and her impending departure added an extra layer of unease. Duncan smiled, reminiscing about her intelligence, beauty, and the fiery determination that both frustrated and captivated him.

Interrupted by squeals, Duncan cringed and turned to find Katie and Sadie gossiping. Opting to preserve his hearing, he returned inside. It was around 4 am at this point, most partygoers were either crashed on the couch or gone. The house was a mess, but Duncan trusted Geoff to clean up before his parents returned. Geoff, however, was nowhere in sight, likely occupied upstairs with Bridgette. Duncan, still riding the remnants of his high, decided to head to Courtney's place; luckily, it wasn't far.

Minutes later, he stood before a large white house, well aware of the spare keys' location but opting for the climb to her balcony. Peering through the glass doors, he spotted Courtney engrossed in a book. Tapping on the glass, a smirk played on Duncan's face. Surprised, Courtney looked up, her boyfriend standing on her balcony.

"Duncan, what on earth are you doing here at this time?" she whispered, cautious not to wake her parents.

"I missed you, princess," he said, kissing her forehead and starting to undress.

"Ughhh, Duncan, you reek of alcohol and cigarettes. What have I told you about smoking? It's so bad for you," Courtney ranted, but Duncan was already in her bed. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting comfortable, princess. You joining?" Duncan winked.

Blushing, Courtney crept into bed beside him. She sighed; lecturing Duncan seemed useless, but she did it out of genuine concern. They snuggled together, finding solace in each other.

"How was the party?" she asked, yawning.

"It wasn't anything special" Duncan stated. Knowing in his mind he only went from the drugs.

Peacefully they both drifted into sleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

The end.

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