14: Little brother

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After Fuuto got done eating he took care of his things before he went to one of the other rooms where the two of them got themselves settled before they began to create songs together. Fuuto enjoyed the time that he had with her, it was something he didn't think he'd ever have the pleasure of doing since Amara was more talented than he was. He could only dance and sing, he couldn't play an instrument like she could.

So while they both sang she played the acoustic guitar, he couldn't help but get closer to her and sit behind her as his arms wrapped around her stomach while his legs were on either side of her. Amara smiled as she looked back to him while she leaned her back against his chest. After they got done singing they both heard clapping from the door way. They looked to the door way to see that it was Wataru.

"Hey there kiddo, need something?" Amara asked curiously

"Yeah, I was told that fuuto was here with a pretty lady."

"That's right you haven't met my girlfriend. Wataru this is Amara." Fuuto said with a grin as he leaned his chin against her shoulder

"Its nice to meet you Amara, can the two of you take me out for a bit? No one else will." Wataru said with a frown

"Who did you ask?" Fuuto asked

"Tsubaki, Azusa, Yusuke, Iori and Ukyo. They're all busy with one thing or another."

"What about Subaru I know he's home still." Fuuto asked

He shook his head. "Subaru left earlier this morning with Ema."

"Crap...I guess so. Let us finish up here and we'll meet you up front." Fuuto said with a sigh

Wataru's eyes lit up. "Thank you fuuto!"

He rushed off and Amara rose an eyebrow at him. "Fuuto why are we going outside, I don't want to go outside."

"Amara here's a little lesson you won't find in any stupid game or book. Wataru is like a wine glass if he doesn't get his way with things, and I don't know about you but I don't want to deal with a grumpy little kid for the next three days just because he didn't burn out his energy." Fuuto said with a sigh

"Fine but I'm not going to enjoy being out there."

He laughed. "I know, c'mon it's not going to be for that long. He gets bored fairly quickly."

she sighed out a bit. "Alright I'll keep you to that Fuuto."

The two of them took care of their things before they gone to the front of the house to see that Wataru was already waiting for the two of them excitedly. "Can we go now Fuuto?!" He asked happily

He nodded his head. "Yeah."

Both him and Amara had glasses over their eyes. Once they were outside Wataru began to talk to Fuuto about what was going on with him in school. Fuuto only half listened, not really caring about what was going on with him until he mentioned the fact that he liked a girl in his class.

"Dude you're too young to be thinking about that crap."

"Tsubaki said that it was okay for me to have a crush on Miki though!" Wataru said with a frown

"Tsubaki is the number one flirt besides Kaname! You can't take his words for granted! Take it from someone who knows a thing or two about women, don't say or do anything till you two get a bit older. You never know if things will change with her." Fuuto said seriously

"Aww, Amara who do you agree with? Me or Fuuto?" Wataru said with puppy eyes

Amara rolled her eyes under her glasses. "You're really stupid to try to use some stupid puppy eyes on me? You aren't adorable and that doesn't work on me." Amara said with a sigh

Wataru frowned a bit. "It usually works on girls though."

She scoffed. "I'm not a girl, I'm a woman there is a difference Wataru. Now for your question, I have to agree with Fuuto. Us woman do tend to change our minds pretty often especially when it comes to whether or not we love someone or not. We won't know who we really want to be with till we get older and know exactly what we want. Which is different for each women as she grows."


"Don't worry kid, some day you'll find the perfect woman for you that'll want to be around you." Amara said with a grin

Wataru pouted. "Fuuto you're lucky to have a girl like Amara with you! its no fair!"

"Sure it is, you're still a half pint. You have much more to learn before you can even think about doing something like date. I wasn't lucky when I got Amara as my girlfriend. It was just how fate was. Now keep walking, we didn't come out here just to hear your stupid chit chat." fuuto said with a sigh as he pushed his brother towards where the park was

he bolted off and Amara held Fuuto's hand tightly. "Do you really think that it was fate that you and I got together fuuto?"

"Yeah of course, when I got out of my dressing room that one day that old lady who made me be there with you faded away after talking with me. It was more than slightly annoying, but knowing that you were out there somewhere it pissed me off that you were so far from me."

"It still gets me that I'm still popular...it seems like I'll never get a break from things Fuuto."

"I hear that one, but I have you now and there's no way in hell anyone is ever getting to you. You're mine." He said as he pulled her closer to him as he whispered in her ear

Her cheeks went bright red as she looked to him. "F-Fuuto..."

"Guys c'mon!" Wataru shouted from the front of the park.

Fuuto sighed and pulled Amara with him to the park and he opened the gate for him before Wataru bolted into the park. Wataru went to the slides as Amara went to a swing to sit down on as she sighed. Fuuto saw her sitting and rose an eyebrow at her. "Is this how you are coping with being outside?"

"Mhm, if I'm going to be outside I'm going to do something that'll make me forget that I wanted to stay inside today." Amara said with a nod.

Fuuto went behind her and pulled her swing back which frightened her a bit but she held on to the swing tightly as he pushed her until she was high enough. He then sat beside her to do the same thing to himself as he kept an eye on his brother who was talking to a group of kids. He stopped when one of them got too close to Wataru as if he was about to fight his brother, he walked up to the group of kids and pushed them away from one another.

"Alright break it up here, what the hell is going on here?" Fuuto said looking between the two kids

"He's threatening me to stop being so close to Mika!" Wataru said with a frown on the verge of tears

"Mika is mine! I saw her first and who'd want to date a guy with pink hair anyways?! You're a freak!" The other male said seriously

Fuuto stood in front of his brother glaring at the male. "My brother isn't a freak you brat, get lost before you lose more than just your teeth." Fuuto said narrowing his eyes at the male

"No way! I'm not going anywhere till he says he's going to stay away from Mika!"

As if on a cue a young pink and purple hair girl came up to the guys. "What's going on here? Wataru...Geno?"

"Geno was threatening me to stop being around you cause he thinks that my pink hair makes me into a freak!" Wataru said with a frown

The young girl looked to the other male. "Geno is that true? Did you tell him that his pink hair made him into a freak?"

The male was tongue tied and she sighed before she went up to Wataru and kissed his cheek. "You aren't a freak Wataru. I think you're very handsome with your pink hair."

"You wouldn't happen to be Mika would you?" Fuuto asked

"Mhm I am."

"You realize these two boys were arguing about you."

"Oh I know, they have been for months." Mika said with a frown. "But I already know who I want to be with when I'm older."

Both males looked to her with wide eyes. "Really who?!" Geno asked happily

"I think it's pretty obvious that it's not you dork. Get lost." Fuuto said with his hands in his pockets.

In Denial | Brother Conflict| Fuuto Asahina love storyWhere stories live. Discover now