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I went home from office as today we all have to go to my bestfriend's grandparents wedding anniversary.

As, I entered inside the home ,my complete family is already ready ...They all are ready to go to Shivansh's house.

I directly went to my room put my phone on charge and went to washroom for take shower as I need to look fresh .

After taking shower I get dressed into my suit , apply my perfume then watch and now, I am all set to go to the party .

After taking shower I get dressed into my suit , apply my perfume then watch and now, I am all set to go to the party

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Adhyay's look

We all settled in our cars and after the
ride of 40 minutes ,we all are in front of Chauhan mansion .

We park our cars in the parking and move towards the party hall .

As we enter the hall ,I greeted Shivansh's
Parents as they are welcoming the
guest's .

Then ,I move towards dadu and dadi to wish them ,As I know if I don't than dadi will not talk to me after that .

( I know sometimes we thought what's
that  for ,but the person who loves
us  they  want us to be part of their
best and worst both ) .

Its yeh best and beautiful part of happing real friends and family.❤️

I wish both dadu and dadi Happy 50th wedding anniversary.
nd to always be this lovely and happening .

After that I move towards Shivansh he
is standing with shiv and one two of our friends .

They saw me and give my a warm and welcoming hug .

After that we take our drinks 🍻 and talk about business and our days back together .

But it's nothing like that as we now also meet regularly .About business and as our families ar very close .

Our parents were also  best friend's and now we both re also best friend's .
From childhood we both are together as we completed our studies from same school and after pursue further from colleges for business management .

After sometime Shivansh excuse him self as Arya said something in his ear and he left .

Now, as I am standing in the corner .
I move my eyes in every direction as searching something or we say someone .
But can't be able to find ..So ,I thought she didn't come but how this can be possible
she can't miss her dadu and dadi 's happiness .

As I was busy in my own world I heard the gingles of bangles and payals .

( Payals - It's a thin silver chain like we wear around our ankles it make very melodious sound .)

I focus towards the sound and their coming my Rose in all her glory .
She is looking so mesmerizing as I can't be able to move my eyes from her .

She is looking so mesmerizing as I can't be able to move my eyes from her

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Amaya's look

She is coming with Shivansh and smiling may be he said something to her .

Than she move towards her dadu and dadi and give them a tight hug and talk for sometime as I can't be able to know what they are talking about .

Then she started roaming her eyes in the hall as may be looking for someone .

Then as she is looking here and there our eyes meet and here my heart started racing as if waiting for her only .

Our eyes meet for only few seconds but as it's not enough for my heart as much as I see her my eyes and heart never gets enough of it .

Then She move her eyes from me ,I didn't like it but I can't say anything now .

Sometimes one glimpse of someone's eyes is enough to cause fire in our hearts and to make our heart at
peace 🧿❤️


Sometimes when we meet someone , there's a click.
I don't believe in love
at first sight  but I believe in
that click

Shivansh's look

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Shivansh's look


That's it for today's chapter ,I hope you all like it

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That's it for today's chapter ,I hope you all like it .

If you all like my writing please do like and comment to give a little appreciation and confidence that I am doing good.

If you all have any suggestions please do know me in comments.

How's the first eye contact of Adhyay and amaya ??

Bie bie

Take care


We'll meet soon with next chapter .

My Rose:His obsession for her Where stories live. Discover now