Endless Forest

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After a while I manage to stand up and wipe my tears. I can't stay here. I won't. I pace around the room while thinking of a plan to get out of here. Dorian can't keep me here. I will make it out and he will go to jail. 

A couple minutes later, I've got a basic idea of what I want to do. The plan isn't perfect but it has to do for now. It only includes 3 simple steps.

1.Open the widow.

2. get out and run

3. Find someone and call for help.

Seems simple enough.

I wait another 2 hours to make sure Dorian is asleep and won't come to check on me again. Those two hours are torture as I can't do much in the room but wait. I keep pacing up and down and fidget with my hands. 

I think he's asleep by now so I grab the chair that's standing around and drag it under the window. I step on it to reach the window handle. I tug on it but it won't open. Damn it. I try again but it's stuck or locked. Maybe I need to break it instead. But that will cause noise. I have to take the risk if i want to make it out of here and I have to be fast if I want to do this.

I look around the room for anything that could break the window. I see books, pillows, a table, and a lamp. The lamp on the table seems like the best option. I jump down the chair and grab the lamp with shaking hands. I go back up the chair and turn the lamp so the bottom part is facing the window. 

I check the door once more before I hit the window as hard as I can. It makes a loud noise but the window doesn't break. I try again and again and see a small crack. Yes! After about 3 more hits the window finally shatters with a deafening noise. I can hear footsteps coming from outside the room and keys clicking. My pulse shoots up and I start to lift myself up out the window. 

Dorian is right outside the door.

I'm halfway out the window when the door opens. Dorian looks at me with piercing eyes and I shiver. I can't get caught now. I'm so close to escape! "You better stop and come back NOW, Scarlett!" He yells. 

I urge myself through the window when sharp pain shoots down my arm. I see red liquid dripping to the ground. I must have cut myself while climbing through the window. Doesn't matter now. I look down and see that it's a far jump down as i am on the second floor.

I turn to look back and see Dorian walking towards me. I can't get caught now so screw it. I jump. I feel the hard impact and test if I injured something. I feel relieved when nothing hurts too bad.  

I stand up shakily and start running, faster than I ever have before. I soon start to lose breath. 

Once I'm out of here I have to start running more regularly to build up stamina

All around me are trees. Only trees. No roads. No lights. Only an endless forest.

Where am I supposed to go? I just keep running forwards, hoping this is the correct direction. There has to be a road, a town, something. Anything.

I slowly start to hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn around. That would only cost precious time which I don't have. I ignore the pain in my arm and side and keep running. Just keep running. The footsteps sound much closer now and I panic. I can't give up now.

"Just stop now. You'll never escape Scar." 

We'll see about that. I keep going forward but there is just more forest. I'm out of breath and the footsteps are coming closer and closer. My hands are shaking and my vision goes blurry. The forest seems to be going on forever. For the first time I think that I might not make it. I should've thought this through better. Come up with a better plan. It's too late now.

I run a couple more meters when two strong hands wrap around my chest. I let out a shriek. Dorian just chuckles and whispers in my ear "I told you there is no escape." I try to fight him but I'm exhausted and he's too strong.

"P-please d-don't hurt me" I sob.

"You should have thought about that before trying to escape." He chuckles darkly and starts dragging me back to the house while I kick and scream. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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