chapter 9

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V was sleeping peacefully but his sleep got disturb by some voices coming from downstairs.  He sigh and as he sat on bed while ruffling his messy hair..

" what's with this chaos " He said getting Up from bed and went toward downstairs.

He come downstairs just to see his eomma was running here and there. With confuse eyes he went toward his mom and asked him.

" what's happening here? " He question his eomma still there was a confusion on his face.

" oh my son today someone special was coming after long journey " Mrs Kim said making V more confuse.

" what are you trying to say eomma say it clearly I can't understand your words? " V said as Mrs Kim shook his head and said.

" my dear you will know when that special person will come for now just go and fresh Up and come for breakfast " Mrs Kim said patting V cheeks and left from there To kitchen leaving V alone in living room.

V shook his head and went toward bathroom to fresh Up. After a while he come to toward dining table and took sit beside his father Who was busy in newspaper.

" appa do you know Who is that special person is coming today for whome eomma is doing too much. " V asked his father Who fold the paper and put down and look at V with smile.

" Dear son why dont asked your mother about it. " Mr Kim said as V shook his head and spoke.

" eomma didn't told me when I try to asked so thought to ask you maybe you know " V said which Mr Kim smile.

" To be honest your eomma threating me not tell anyone about that special person so sorry son. " Mr Kim said making V growl.

" leave it I'll know it by myself only " He said as Mrs Kim come there with breakfast and serve them. All were eating there breakfast with silent.

After done with breakfast V left from there while Mr Kim went toward his job and Mrs Kim got busy with her work.

On the otherside.

" Are you sure that they will accept me " Kook said glancing at taehyung Who was smiling.

" Why are you thinking too much beloved?  Im sure Who can deny this much beautiful boy as thers son in law. " Tae said holding kook waist gently.

" Hope soo everything went Good " kook said laying his head on tae chest as they are currently in flight going to Korea.

" when will we reach " Kook said looking up from tae chest.

" soon beloved want to sleep then sleep you woke early today take rest. I forget to tell you about V " Tae said as kook look at him.

" my twin brother we both look same so dont get confuse seeing us beloved " Tae said as kook shook his head and smile.

" I can never the warmth and the love I feel from you I can never feel from anyone " Kook said pecking Tae cheeks softly.

" im bless to have you my beloved " Tae said with smile and love in his eyes for his beloved.

" and im bless to have you too husband " kook said laying his head on tae chest.

" now sleep By the time you wake up we will have arrived " Tae said as kook nodded and close his eyes soon sleep consume him and he fall in deep slumber.

|| Time skip ||

" Beloved wake Up see we have reach Korea " Tae said shooking kook little Who woke Up and yawn escape from his mouth.

" we reach " Kook said when he saw plane was landing on Korea. Soon plane land and they come out the flight with there luggage.

" wait here let me book taxi " Tae said taking out his phone to book taxi while kook was standing there with there luggage.

" let's go now taxi will come outside the airport. " Tae said as kook nodded and they went out the airport with there luggage.

" The code is 1125 " Tae said giving driver code Who nodded as they put luggage inside the taxi and sat inside taxi. Soon taxi left for Kim mansion.


Its been long I update this. I hope you like this part. Let me know your review in comment section.

English is not my first language so ignore my grammatical mistake.


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