Chapter VI

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I know that there will be some grammar mistakes, but just deal with it. I have no patients to go back and do all the editing. So, without father ado, we present chapter two of The Hearts' Melody. Make sure to leave a lot of comments! We love hearing what you people think!

"What!? That damn doctor wouldn't be here till when!" Kaede yelled. "I'm sorry, Kaede-dono, but Doctor Jango is working wi-" the person was cut off by Kaede. "What!? He's too busy to help out the fifth heir!?" she yelled.

"I'm so sorry, Kaede-dono, but Danjo said that there were too many family members hu-" the person on the other line started, but was cut off by Karde again. "I don't want to hear it, you idiot! This is the son of Dancing Blade Satsuki, fourth heir of the Haimura family, we're talking about! You get Danjo here as soon as you can, or I'm cutting of your family jewels!" she yelled and hung up.


Ayano walked towards the vicinity of the apartment building she was among normally with a determined look in her eyes "there's no turning back until you get either answer your looking for" she thinks to herself as she enters the vicinity.

The whole area was filled with girls that were wearing the same uniform as Kaede. They were holding Kendo sticks, ready to attack at any sudden now moment. Ayano continued to walk until she was about a yard away from the girls "excuse me, but I would like to get through" she says.

Instantly, all the girls' heads snapped towards her. "Sorry, but this building was commandeered by the Haimura family," one of the girls said. The girl was brown haired, and had a red arm brace.

"I see" Ayano says not moving "but can I ask what you're doing with the other people that live here?" She asks. "They were moved to another building. Now please leave," the girl said politely.

Ayano hums "thank you for your politeness and I'm sorry that I'm abusing it but I must I ask one more time can I please get through I need to talk to Satoshi" she says calmly adding the Satoshi part this time, she hadn't moved an inch yet.

The girl narrowed her eyes. "Someone call mother bird," she ordered. One of the girls nodded and hurried out of the room. "I'll have to ask you to please sit and wait, dear, Lady Kaede will be right with you," the girl said with a forced smile, her hand on the handle of her Kendo stick.

Ayano hummed in response "thank you" she says forcing a smile as well as she watched the girls hand, she was prepared to huger hot or attacked she was willing to have that happen to her, all she cared about was talking Satoshi she could care less about herself and not to forget this was only part one of her plan is she got rejected by Kaede she would back down but part two would come into play after that.

The girl walked away, but whispered something into one of her peer's war. The peer nodded and gripped the handle of her Kendo stick.

Suddenly, Ayano's phone started to ring. Ayano looked down at her phone in surprise, she want expecting a call, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and backed up about a foot and answered the phone "hello?" she whispered.

"Ayano, are you suicidal!? You don't know what how overly protective and loyal Kaede is of Satoshi!" Daisuke's voice sounded on the line. "I guess so Daisuke and how exactly do you know I'm here anyway? Also besides I've got a plan" she mutters into the phone saying the last part quieter so that those girls wouldn't hear.

"You forget, I'm good at reading people. Plus, your mom just told me. Don't move an inch, in heading over there now. You CANNOT take Kaede on alone. Do you understand me," Daisuke said uncharacteristically seriously.

"Wait you were at my house? Oh never mind but Daisuke you don't get it yet I don't plan on taking her on alone at all, ill probably leave now and meet you my plan is something that's going to go into action about two hours from now and it involves Takeshi's help and if you really do want to come I'll stay still but if you do were not going to fight her or anything like that alright?" Ayano mutters into the phone once more.

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