¹¹Run Away with Yu

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Jimin can feel her eyes twitching.

"Hi, this is Karina! It's been a while!"

"Hi, this is ae-Karina."

"Hey~ you look too frozen! Now try again by waving your hand!"

"Hi everyone! I'm ae-Karina!"

She can definitely feel the looming headache from a distance.

"When I first received a SYNK message from ae-Karina, my heart was beating so fast!"

The woman beside her snorts and Jimin throws her a glare. Minjeong didn't see it though. She was too occupied at the show displaying on her phone.

"When we first met, she was very frozen. But I gave her a couple of tips."

"Karina is a god! She's so good~"

A loud cackle emanates from the girl and Jimin is beet red at this point, bordering between brooding and complete mortification.

Before she could even embarrass herself more (if she hasn't already), she snatches the phone away from Minjeong's grasp.

"Hey! I was watching!" complains the girl, looking like an angry puppy that got her toy taken away from her.

But Jimin ignores her, "That's enough clownery for the day. You had your fun already."

Jimin saw how Minjeong's creased brows gradually flattened and the pout on her lips slowly grew into a teasing smirk.

She knows that look.

"Why? Was your heart beating so fast it almost ripped out of your chest?"

And she wasn't wrong.

Of course. Minjeong wouldn't let her get away with that cheesy darn line that went down in history as one of Jimin's greatest regrets. That pre debut MY Karina video would really hunt her down even to her deathbed; she will never be at peace. Jimin knows that as long as she's existing, that cursed video will always find a way to bite her like a black mamba. And now, it has found its way on Minjeong of all people.

"Ughh, shut up," Jimin groans, sagging against the couch, "How did you find that video anyway?"

"Yizhuo mentioned something about you talking to yourself during your rookie days so I had to see it for myself."

Jimin lets out an exaggerated sigh, "I thought Yizhuo was a fan. I feel betrayed."

Minjeong snickers beside her. "Oh she's a fan fan. I wouldn't know about that if not for her. She said it was like a teaser before you debuted?"

Jimin doesn't even want to remember how the filming for that video transpired, the most of it consisting of her talking and smiling to literally thin air. It's mortifying just thinking about it. "Yeah but I was held at gunpoint okay? I needed to do the stupid video so I can finally debut."

Minjeong laughs her Symphony No. 40 in G minor kind of laugh and okay, maybe Jimin embarrassing herself was not a bad idea after all.

"Awww are you embarrassed?" Minjeong drawls, teasing smirk still on her lips, "But Karina is a god~ She's so good~ There's no reason to be embarrassed!"

"Stop saying that! Aaaaaa!"

Minjeong doubles over and Jimin is torn between appreciating her melodic laughter and strangling the girl for making fun of her.

"You are so fun to tease," the girl managed to say in between her laugh and Jimin could only sulk.

"I hate you."

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