Chapter 4

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Mitsuri lay in her bed 'Rengoku-san, how do I confess to Obanai?' she looked up to heaven

"UGHH" She punched her head a bunch of times "I want to open up, tell Obanai how much I treasure and wish he would be mine forever! But he doesn't care for love the way I do. He wouldn't possibly love me back. That's impossible"

She sobbed onto her bed for another hour

"I'd give the world for you to be mine, if we were married, you'd never have to be alone. I love him, I just do, nothing he does can change that either"

A knock came on her estate's door.

She opened it to see people she always loved seeing

"Hi, Kanroji-san" Tomioka waved

"Greetings, Mitsuri-chan" Shinobu greeted

Mitsuri looked at the two "Could you two possibly show up at a better time?" She said dreamily

"Did something happen?" Giyuu asked

They were all sitting in her bedroom "So, what's the emergency?" Giyuu asked

"Shinobu-chan! I need your advise on romance!" Mitsuri burst out

The butterfly looked at her in shock "You're asking me? I've never actually had a boyfriend . . ." She spoke again "Besides, what would the love Hashira need advise about?"

"It's about Iguro, isn't it?" Giyuu suggested

"Obviously" Shinobu turned around at him "Every man on earth knows that if Mitsuri needs help about love, it's about Iguro-kun"

"Is it that obvious?" Mitsuri asked, the two nodded, she burst into tears again "TOMIOKA-SAN, IF YOU WERE ME, HOW WOULD YOU ASK HIM OUT????"

Giyuu looked at Mitsuri deep in the eyes "I wouldn't, if I had a crush I would keep it to myself until death. Also, I wouldn't have a crush on Iguro to begin with"

Shinobu bonked him on the head with her fist "YOU AREN'T HELPING, TOMIOKA-SAN" She scolded

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" Giyuu rubbed his head

"I've an idea! How about you make cookies for your love, nothing keeps your mind off of it better than baking" Shinobu said, knowing Mitsuri all too well

Mitsuri beamed "That's a great idea, Shinobu-chan! Oh how will I live without you after upper rank two consu-" Shinobu covered her mouth before she could say any more, she removed her hand from her mouth "What's wrong? It's not much of a secret, all Hashiras kno-" her mouth was covered once again

Shinobu looked at herself shamefully as Giyuu watched them

Giyuu spoke "What do all Hashiras know?"

"Nothing at all, Tomioka-san!" Shinobu gave Giyuu a close-eyed smile

Mitsuri raised a brow 'Does he not know about Shinobu-chan's revenge plan?'

The girls started baking while Giyuu sat in the lounge

Mitsuri tasted her cookie dough "Shinobu-chan, tell me the truth. According to you, you had told all Hashiras about your vengance plan, was that a lie?"

Shinobu looked over at her "If I told Giyuu, he wouldn't let me go through with it. But . . . when I do pass, make sure he doesn't blame himself for it" Shinobu clapsed her best friend's hands.

A tear fell on the ground "I will" she looked ap and said with teary eyes "I WILL"

There was a silence as they baked "Is that why you'll never confess?" Mitsuri asked

"What?" Shinobu asked

"Is that why you'll never confess to Giyuu?" she repeated

"I have nothing to confess to him"

Mitsuri chuckled "As if" she said underneath her breath

Shinobu and Mitsuri walked up to Giyuu

"We're done!" Mitsuri cheered

"Would you like one, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu asked sweetly, flashing a fake smile to her love.

Author's note: Yes I am a GiyuuShino shipper, and you can't do anything about it. Leave your declarations of hatred in the comments below.

"Sure . . ." Giyuu said hesitantly

"They're cooling in the kitchen, come"

They left mitsuri alone for a minute, she sat in her armchair alone "I hope he accepts these. What if he doesn't like sweets? What if he doesn't like me?" she slapped her face "No, Mitsuri! Don't think like that, even if Iguro-san will never accept my undying love for him, I won't be swayed by it!" she said confidently

"That's the spirit!" Shinobu cheered next to Giyuu who had a cookie in his mouth from Shinobu's batch

"How long have you two been standing there?" Mitsuri shrieked

"It doesn't take that wong to get sum cookies" Giyuu said with his mouth stuffed

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" Shinobu sighed

"Hm" he nodded, his mouth stuffed

Lady Kocho tossed her head around, trying to diregard what Mitsuri said about her so called feelings for Giyuu.

"Mitsuri" Giyuu said with a cold expression

Mitsuri blinked back into reality "Y-Yes, Tomioka-san?"

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?"

Mitsuri looked down "Yes, I've been a fiance to two different men in the past. The first was a regrettable partner to say the least." She remembered his words thoroughly 'It makes me quease every time I imagine my future children with your hair color. Only a boar or a bear would wish to be with you, Mitsuri. So let's pretend this marrige arrangement never happened.'

"And the second one?" Kocho asked

"He was a nice person, we decided we would be happier with different partners, I hope he's doing well" She said happily

Giyuu raised his eyebrows "Then wouldn't you know how to confess to someone?"

Shinobu cut in "And more importantly, what do you mean 'the first was a regrettable partner'?" she asked concernfully, she knew what Mitsuri would say when she tried to lie.

"He thought my hair color was weird, he had no problems adressing it either"

Giyuu butted in "Kanroji, I think it's pretty and unique"


He blinked at her rapidly

Shinobu looked Giyuu's way fearfully 'He only acts this talkative when he's suspicious of something' she spoke up "Tomioka-san, you're awfully talkative today"

"I've been wondering, what did Mitsuri mean when she said all the Hashiras know?"

Mitsuri and Shinobu looked at each other "You wouldn't want to know" they said at once

Giyuu scowled "Just. Tell me the truth!" he yelled.

"Giyuu, you really do not want to know, it'd make you furious" Mitsuri said

"I'm already furious! So just tell me!" he raised his voice "Sorry for yelling, Kanroji"

"It's fine, but please don't ask those kind of questions, it's quite personal to Shinobu-chan"

"Personal enough that she told all of the Hashira? Except me of course" he mumbled


"Mitsuri-chan, it's fine"

"Will you two ever tell me?"

Shinobu nodded sweetly.

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