[1]•Mysterious forest

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This is my first story. If you guys find any error in it. Please feel free to correct me. Also I'm so sensitive about bad comments, please be good with me.
3rd pov:

It was a beautiful and a greenish city. Usually, the city look more gorgeous and attractive. In the weekends people were also became more and more attractive than the common days. Because of the rejoice in their heart. We all crave for weekends. We love to visit new places and explore the world.

It was a weekend, the whole city brightened with rejoice and joy. Children play around the parks, gardens and in streets. They skate, did cycling, etc. The young couples plan for their dating, shopping, etc..

An young couple Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim were married 4 years ago. They both love traveling over new places and learn the new new places. They took rest in weekends very rarely. Because they had enough to rest in the working days. They running a business and had a better amount to run their little family household. They shift their work times to have rest and they were more understandable couples. So, In the weekends they went on tour to new places.

Likewise, they planned to go California today. Unfortunately their tickets were not booked due to the heavy waiting list. It was all due to the pleasant season. They devastated and exhausted by this. They were more willing to go California for their weekend special. But they couldn't.

Suddenly Mr.Kim's mind hint on one matter and he said "Why we wouldn't have a look on the restricted forest in the corner of our city?" Mrs.Kim thought for a second and spoke reluctantly "But that forest was considered as a curse of our city for a long time. No one want to have a look on there!!" "Then we'll give a try" replied Mr.Kim quickly. Both discussed about this case for sometime and finally decided to have a visit there.

The mysterious forest was located remote far from the city almost in the border of the city. The old generation believed that the forest was the home for Angel, Fairy, and even Devils and witches. To remove this foolish belief among people Government sent a special team of cops to explore the forest 15 years ago.

All of them returned two days later from the day they went to the forest. But their condition was worst than maniac or mentally ill people. Most of them lost their memories and became more violent. Some were figured out in a perplexed state. Some were seem to be possessed....

Their state made people afraid of the forest. From then onwards people stopped tripping to that forest, also the Government abandoned the big mountain forest. Time made people stop emphasizing about the forest and led their life happily. But still people getting terrified whenever they spoke about the forest.


Mr.&Mrs. Kim drove their car to the abandoned forest as planned. It took a long time to reach the forest. They suffered a little to go through the bumpy road. They stopped the car at one point and start walking into the forest. They took instruments and equipments in their backpack. They hope this will help them to protect themselves from any harm. They know it was unpredictable what will happen next and it was unsafe to go inside the forest without any safety measurements.

The forest was seen to be in pin drop silence. They observed all around thir surrounding. When they move further into the forest, They could heard little little birds chirping sounds lingering from the deep sides of the forest. That sound was peculiar. They felt weird but this gave little more curiosity in Mr.Kim's heart to explore the forest. Mrs. Kim hold her husband's hand tightly and sweated hard because of the fear. The silence became more deep, even the chirping sounds of bird also gone all of a sudden.

"Why you choose this forest for a trip all of a sudden? You never care or talk about this forest before, but why now?" Mrs. Kim questioned her husband. "I saw the view of this forest using a troll camera while I visited to our land near this forest." He replied with a smile in his face. "So this the reason for your sudden curiosity over this forest huh.." "yes!!" Mr. Kim replied quickly to his wife's question.

"You don't know how I'm feeling right now" she said with a fear in her voice. "Darling, I'm with you. So you don't have to worry for anything right now. And I know how you feeling just by you grip in my hand. Just follow me." He assured his wife. The silence around the forest made Mrs. Kim afraid a lot even her husband was with her. He'll save her at all cost that she know. But still something bother her a lot.

The more they go deep into forest that more her body frightened due to the atmosphere around her. She visited lot of forest trip with her lovely husband since after her marriage. But this forest gave her horror feel in her heart.

The silence was broke by a whimpering sound of a baby. They went towards the side from where the sound came. Mrs. Kim found a newly born baby lying on the grass ground naked and was sobbing loudly. Without any hesitation she picked the baby in her hands and try to lull the baby. She questioned herself about whom forlorn this much beautiful little baby in this dangerous forest. She couldn't resist to admire the cute little baby.

After looking into the eyes of the baby , Mrs. Kim remembered about her doctor's words. They told Mr.&Mrs. Kim couldn't have a baby by their own. They were advised to have a test tube baby or to adopt a baby from orphan. They yearning for a baby since their doctor's diagnosis. They tried their best to adopt a baby from lot of orphans but nothing changed in their life.

But this one baby gave a hope in their life. "Shall we adopt this baby as ours " Mrs. Kim asked her husband with a heavy heart. Her voice became soft and tears build up in her eyes. "The same I thought, wifey" they both got emotional due their long time longing to have a baby in their life.

They rolled a woollen cloth around the baby's body and securely hold the baby in her arms. She lulled the baby with her warmth. The baby loved it. The baby's little figure was fully covered into her hands more securely. But still a little whimper came out from the baby. She didn't know what to do to stop the little girl's sobbing. She unconsciously walk a little around the forest and reached a flower bush. They baby stopped crying and giggled in her arms. She noticed it.

She moved forward and back to clarify her doubt rouse in her mind at this moment. The baby love the flowers scent and that making the baby smile. Mrs. Kim mesmerized by the cute smile of the baby. She plucked some flowers in her hand and went to home happily.

They both named the baby as


Please comment about my story and vote me if you like this.
Once again I wanna say that it is my first story in wattpad. So kindly correct my errors.

I'll post the next part soon.....

●Please tell me that this part is short?
● Should I write more longer than this?

We'll meet in comment section.... 💜💞

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