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Ever since Beomgyu accidentally listened to their conversation and the look on Daniel's face, he couldn't help but feel bad for Daniel cuz he surely faced many bad experiences for him not to trust people.

But anyways Beomgyu still thinks that it's not an excuse to be rude to people, and he still hates the fact that Daniel is an arrogant disrespectful and ungrateful jerk.

As it was nearing 6 PM, Beomgyu wrapped up everything and started to plan Daniel's schedule for the next day. He was done by 8 PM, and since Daniel's schedule for the day was done an hour ago he thought that he was already gone, plus only a few people were there so he just got up and packed his things.

As he was passing by Daniel's practice room, he heard music coming from the room. He opened the door slightly and saw a sweaty Daniel dancing beautifully to one of his new songs.

He couldn't help but stare in a awe at the older man, he understood once again why Kai and all of his fans like him that much.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed that the song stopped playing and Daniel walking in his direction.

When he finally looked up he saw Daniel smirking like the devil he is, then he said "Well look at who is here, my danm manager or should I call you moawajjunie cuz you look like a fan rn."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes then said "As if, I have taste don't worry also why are you here so late? You should go home now to get some rest cuz tomorrow we will finish the shoot for your new MV, record the last song for your album cuz the studio had a problem and lost some parts of the song, sign at least a thousand of albums and finally attend Jungkook' ssi listening party."

Daniel just look at him with a 'idgaf abt what you are saying dude' look. Beomgyu just sighed and said "Stop overworking yourself Daniel, plus tomorrow is a big day you have to be in perfect shape since yesterday you were drink so please just go. I won't leave until you leave too."

Daniel sighed, grabbed his things and left the room. As they were walking toward the elevator, Beomgyu suddenly remembered that he left his coat on his chair so he told Daniel to wait for him and he'll quickly grab his coat.

Daniel rolled his eyes and kept on walking, he waited until the elevator's door opened and walked in. Just as he did so, he saw Beomgyu running towards him while shooting 'Wait for me please, don't close the door.'

The older only smirked until the door closes. "That evil childish jerk, can't we have just a day of peace." He just hurry up to take the stairs cuz he have some things to tell Daniel before they part ways.

As he reached the lobby, he saw him outside waiting for his driver, so he ran up to him and finally reached him, he paused for a minute to catch his breath the said "Yah Choi Daniel, why didn't you wait for me?"

Daniel raised his eyebrow then replied "Why would I wait for you? We ain't friends nor I have things to say to you so what's your problem?"

"We have things to talk about, plus I literally asked you to wait for-" "Yes and? Why would I do what you asked me to? Plus I didn't wanna share my personal space with someone like...like you." Daniel cut him off while looking at him with disgust.

Beomgyu smirked then said "Well it didn't seemed like it yesterday, like you were so clingy and you literally slept on my shoulders cuz you were oh so comfortable."

Daniel's face darkened then said "Now we lying Bangyu, I see. Well you'll pay for that lie Beongyu."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes then said "Oh please stop with the menaces I am not scared of you, and you won't get rid of me easily." Yeonjun smirked then said "We'll see about that Bamgyu, I give you two weeks max also welcome in hell whatever your name is."

Beomgyu didn't even get to reply when Daniel's driver pulled up beside them and he got in leaving a pissed of Beomgyu at the gate of the company.

Once he got home, Beomgyu sighed then took his phone, searched for Daniel's contact number then texted him.

Mr Daniel(evil in disguise)

Hi Daniel, it's me Beomgyu
your manager.

Ok what do you want.

Here is the rest of
your schedule for

19PM - 20:30PM you'll
attend Running man

21PM - 22PM you'll have
dinner with the members
of bts, they mentioned that
they missed their little

That's all for tomorrow, if
you have any questions
please keep in mind that I
don't care.

Ok, now stop spamming.

Yeah whatever.

When they were done talking Beomgyu sighed heavily and start contemplating his life decisions and wondering what the hell he did wrong in his whole life to deserve this.

After some times he heard Kai screaming downstairs, so he literally flew the stairs and reached the kitchen where he saw Kai hugging (more like squishing) Taehyun.

Beomgyu let out a squeak then joined Kai and Taehyun in their hugging (squishing) session.

Due to his job, Taehyun never spend much time in Korea and he barely have time to check on them, so every time Taehyun is back home they always have a sleep over to catch up.

"Omg tyun I'm so happy that you're here, I missed you so much so many things happened, let me order pizza then we will talk." Kai said with excitement while the older boys were looking at him foundly.

Once their pizza arrived they started to talk and joking around, all of them were so happy. Then Taehyun said "Guys guess what..." all of them were looking at him with excitement and anticipation.

"There's a tournament that's happening here, and it will last 3 months but I'm staying here for 5 months cuz I'm taking a break." The two orders screamed and hugged Taehyun again, both of them stated to cry cuz they were so happy that their friend was going to stay with them for that long. It was surreal for them.

As the night went on, Kai fell asleep first then Taehyun said "Ok now that Kai is sleeping you can honestly tell me how work is going." Beomgyu sighed then said "Horribly, like Daniel is annoying and soooooo mean."

Then he goes on and on about how much of an asshole Daniel is and how much he despise him. Taehyun just stayed there staring at him, then he said "You have a soft spot for him huh, don't you...cuz you literally let him sleep on your shoulder when i know damn well that you wouldn't do that for anyone you 'despise' that much."

Beomgyu just looked at him like he was crazy then said "You must have hit your head too hard to say nonsense like that. Anyways I have to sleep now cuz I have to go to work early tomorrow. Good night tyunie."

Taehyun sighed then replied "Good night hyung." Then they both went to sleep.


Hi everyone, how are you guys? I hope that y'all are doing great. I'll try to update every sunday now cuz college is though and I wanna finish this story asap so yeah. Don't forget to vote and comment hehe, also please stream and vote for txt. Love you guys <3

(Didn't proofread)

Mr D(evil)•||Beomjun||•Where stories live. Discover now