Chapter 2 (coffee shop :3)

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Alex F. POV.
I woke up at around 10AM. I was still tired when I got up but I just pushed through it because I knew if I fell back asleep, I'd wake up at 5. I stretched and my body was finally aware of all the stinging and stress that I had. It hurt. But it didn't hurt to the point where I couldn't get dressed and go out later... I checked my phone while I brushed my teeth and saw that Eli had texted me. The text read...
"Heyyy!! :) I know it's still early but I just wanted to remind you that we're going out at 2!"
I responded with...
"Ok. I'll get ready now. Don't wait up for me."
He sent a smiley face with "Ok!!". He was... very sweet for some reason. I wonder why. He shouldn't be. He should've just listened to them. I don't deserve...
I'm just going to get ready.
I took a shower, blow dried my hair, washed my face, and then dried my body up. I put on some baggy jeans, a big shirt, some jewelry, and some more accessories and a little bit of makeup. By the time I was done, it was 1pm. I didn't realize that I had taken that long to get ready. I styled my hair a bit more before I grabbed my keys, put another necklace on, then went out to my car. Before I pulled out of my garage, I checked the time. It was 1:15pm. I pulled out of my driveway, pulled up the directions on my phone, and drove off. I didn't bother to tell my mother where I was going.
She wouldn't care.
Once I got there, it was 1:55pm. I didn't realize how far away it was. But who cares? As long as I'm at least going out of the house.
I texted Eli.
"I'm here. Let me know when you arrive."
I sent the text, turned off my car, then went to sit down on a bench. My nails were still somehow painted black, even though I pick at them way too much. I started to zone out but then I felt my phone vibrate.
"Hey!! So I'll be there in 10, or later! Sorry! :("
I read the text, sent "Ok.", then turned my phone off. I zoned out while looking out into the road. It was busy today, I wondered if I could just....
I'll try not to think of that right now. It's better to try to think about what I'm going to order once he gets here. My phone vibrated once again.
"I kind of sped here, but I think I see you? I'll come over!!"
I texted him back quickly.
"Okay. Just tap me on the shoulder or something."
I sent the text and then felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked at the person who tapped my shoulder and it was Eli. He smiled once he realized it was me.
He sounded happy to see me. I was happy to see him as well but I...
I said back. He then sat next to me and hugged me for some reason. My eyes widened and I kind of froze up. I look at him in a weird way, kind of asking him "what the hell was this about?". He just giggled and let go.
"Anyway! Let's go inside, huh?"
He smiled again. We both got up from the bench and walked inside the coffee shop. But some really muscular guy came in behind us and pushed me away from Eli. I flinched and the spot where he pushed me stung. What the fuck was this guys strength and why did it hurt so badly when he just... pushed me?!
"What the hell, Jason? Leave him the fuck alone!"
Eli exclaimed as he saw me being pushed by the guy who was apparently named Jason. He snickered and looked me then looked at Eli.
"You really defending this guy?? Psh... Get the hell out of here, Elijah. Tell your friend to go the fuck away."
Jason said with a angry smirk. I stared at Jason, then looked at Eli. He looked away from me. I nodded, and left. I didn't have the courage, energy, or anything to deal with that shit. I didn't care. If that was his friend, partner, sibling, it didn't matter. I'm only a friend. I'm not dating him. I'm not even a best friend. I'm the one you go to as a second choice, that's how it's always been. I walked out, my expression blank and showing no emotion. I shouldn't worry about it. And I'm not going to. I unlocked my car, got in, then drove off. I'm just going to go to the skate park. It makes me feel better.
Once I arrived at the skate park, I checked my phone and noticed the amount of text messages from Eli. Why would he be texting me? He doesn't need to. I already understand that....
"Where are you? I'm sorry."
"I didn't know Jason would act out like that."
"Why did you leave?"
"Come back please"
"Please just tell me where you went, Alex :("
"Im sorry"
I read the messages. But I didn't respond. I knew Jason was going to be with him either way. I didn't want them to know where I was. I wanted to be alone. But that's how it's always been. And I don't care.
I skateboarded for about 2 hours. Then I went back on my phone and responded to Eli.
"The reason I didn't respond is because I knew wherever I went, and you were gonna be with me today, Jason would come. I don't have the energy to deal with him. Sorry. We can meet up tomorrow. But if you really want to know where I went, I went to the skate park."
I sent the text and turned my phone off, grabbed my board, and went to the beach, since it was very close to the skate park. I stared at the ocean for a moment. It was so peaceful today. So... quiet. No children screaming, nothing. I was enjoying the soft ocean breeze, for once. I put in my headphones, turned on Duster, then closed my eyes while I stood on the beach with my board.
"I wish it was always like this."

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