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It had been almost one month since April decided to leave Matthew at the altar and leave with Jackson in a hurry. After all, the latter was the true love of her life, right? But why did they have to be so different?

As the newlyweds approached the lobby at one of the many nurse stations of the hospital, April was already tired of Jackson's claims and stopped paying attention to him. She looked around to distract herself from Jackson's annoying voice and his endless complaints.

"Oh, my Jesus!" Was all that she could say as she saw her new mother-in-law across the room "Well, now that he's in the conversation, I'll make sure to clean the bowls tonight," Jackson ironically joked, mocking her while updating some charts.

It was clear that he wasn't aware of his mother's presence, as he kept mumbling about dirty dishes and other household duties they'd discussed earlier.

April could see that Catherine was furious, looking at the couple as if she could kill them. The tension was palpable in the air. "Your mother, your mother is here, here!" April vocalized, almost yelling in shock.

First, Jackson looked at her, confused, not understanding anything she was talking about.
Still, soon, he understood the reason for his wife's rising hysteria when he became aware of the presence of his mother, the great Catherine Avery. "She doesn't look happy". The redhead murmured to him. Even though he knew his wife was right, he tried to calm her down for everyone's sake. "Oh.. come on, It will be fine," he assured, but April hasn't calmed down.

As they walked towards the woman holding hands, April couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She was still wondering how Catherine had reacted to the news of their marriage. They were getting closer to his mother, and April finally mustered up the courage to ask Jackson about Catherine's response. But as she did, she was met with silence from Jackson and a coldness from Catherine.

It was clear that she had not accepted their marriage, and April couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and tension building between them. She knew this was going to be a difficult situation to navigate.

"So, I understand congratulations are in order?!" The contempt in her mother-in-law's voice only confirmed what she suspected. April smiled nervously as Catherine's gaze burned over them.

April tried to maintain a composed facade, but her nerves were getting the best of her. And then, she noticed the attractive blonde by Catherine's side, her voice dripping with sophistication and a hint of British accent. April couldn't help but feel jealous of this woman who seemed to have Catherine's approval and admiration.

"Jackie," April frowned at the nickname, feeling uneasy with the woman's presence. Jackson, on the other hand, seemed to relax at the sound of the familiar voice and even let go of April's hand without realizing it.

"I can't believe you got married and didn't invite me. Didn't I deserve at least a phone call or a text message?" April rolled her eyes.

Who did this woman think she was? Her husband didn't owe anyone an explanation except for her. But the way the woman smiled at Jackson, a smile that was mirrored on his face, a smile April had never seen before, it was impossible not to feel a twinge of jealousy, and she tried her best to stay calm and remind herself that she was the one married to Jackson.

"Imagine my surprise when I was working at Brigham, and Mama Avery told me you had just married. I can't blame that she is mad, you know? I am mad at you!" The girl playfully scolded and gave him a light slap on the arm, but Jackson just laughed and wrapped his arms around her, twirling her around in the air, just like he did when they were kids, as she giggled and begged to be put down. When he finally did, Jackson kissed the blonde's cheek, and she blushed, while April could feel her face heating up with hate.

"April" Jackson said "This is Dr. Georgiana Calthorpe, my best friend since...ever?!" Jackson said very cheerful, never taking his eyes off the blonde. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched the two interact. "And Georgie, this is Dr. April Kepner, my wife". She was taken by surprise when Georgiana hugged her and expressed her excitement to finally meet her.

Jackson had shared their story with her, and while she was happy he was so open about their relationship, it also made her feel somewhat left out. But she pushed those feelings aside and plastered on a happy, amicable tone as she greeted Georgiana.

April couldn't deny that she was a beautiful woman, almost like a Greek goddess, and she couldn't help but wonder if Jackson had ever had feelings for her in the past. But she pushed those thoughts away.

"Ok kids," Catherine chimed in, her tone lighthearted and filled with amusement as she gazed at Jackson and Georgiana. She couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness seeing them together. But before she could continue, she cleared her throat, her expression turning slightly more serious. "Now that the proper introductions and congratulations have been made, I believe we have more important things to attend to." Her eyes darted to Jackson and Georgiana, who were still chattering away, and she playfully scolded them for their lack of attention.

April couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards their close relationship.

"Well, mom, it's great to see you and Georgie here," Jackson said. "But why did you specifically come all the way from Boston?" Catherine took a deep breath before answering, "I'm here to talk to you and April about your marriage, and also for a consult" Catherine began. "That's why I brought Georgiana with me. Doctor Hunt called me about a patient with Bladder Exstrophy (BE) and we all know Georgiana is the best OB/GYN in the country. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have her expertise on this case." She explained and Jackson and Georgiana embraced once more before the two women from Boston bid their goodbyes and left for their appointment, finally leaving Jackson and April alone.

"Well, well, well, looks like you have a best friend that you conveniently forgot to mention. I guess I wasn't important enough to know about her, huh?" April's voice dripped with jealousy. Her heart ached at the thought that she may not be as close to her husband as she thought. "I always thought I was your best friend, you know?" Her tone was accusatory as she stared at him, waiting for an explanation. Jackson tried to explain, reaching out to her, but April stepped back, keeping her distance.

"April, you are my best friend, you know that. But Georgie is... well, Georgie is Georgie, she has been my life since forever," he said, his voice betraying his annoyance with the situation. "And you're my wife. I don't understand what the problem is here." But April was resolute. "The problem, Jackson," she sighed, "is that we're married, and yet I feel like I don't even know you at all." She stormed off, needing time to calm down.

As she walked, she couldn't help but wonder how different her life would have been if she had married Matthew, if she hadn't run off with Jackson on the spur of the moment. Probably not. But then she shook her head, realizing that it was pointless to dwell on what-ifs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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