Chapter 6

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Clary and Hajar where sleeping they both dreamed about the same man they dreamed about their memories getting taken away. Hajar and clary they both decided to sleep together sense they couldn't let go of one another.

H+C " GASPS " they both say In suprised clary sees someone next to them.

Jace " hey it's okay, I'am here. You are both are safe." He said

Clary " jace ?" She said Hajar looked at her confused as she can see it wasn't clearly Jace but she smirked at her sister even at this kind of moment she thinks of him she can't blame her because even her own self can't stop thinking about a certain someone that starts with a A.

Simon " what ? You seem kind of freaked out " he said to clary

Clary " Simon?" She said getting back to reality.

Simon " hey I got you two are you both okay ? It must been hell of a nightmare." He said to the girls

Hajar " you have no idea. We where trapped to this peace of furniture and our mom was there.she kept telling the guy to protect us."she said to Simon.

Clary " and then he reached his into our skull and ripped out our brains. " she said as Hajar and simon looked disgusted.

Simon " hello Freddy Krueger." He said as Hajar laughed a little bit.

Hajar " tell me about it. What are you doing here anyway ?" She asked Simon.

Clary " shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" She said to Simon.

Simon " uh, I just.. I really wanted to see the both of you. " he said to them but Hajar could of tell that he wanted to only see clary but she still appreciate that he came to check on her and not make her feel left out.

Clary " i'am sorry, that our messed up life put you in danger." She said to Simon. Hajar could have seen Jace behind the hallway hiding and Jace noticed her begging her not to say nothing so she nodded to him smiling.

Simon " i'am fine " he said to clary.

Clary " no if those vampire hurt you. I couldn't live within myself you and my sister are all I've left." She said to Simon Hajar smiled at her sister they have a special bond that no one can break and they both know that.

Simon " don't get me wrong. I'am totally greatful that your guys friends got me out before the vampire drained me like a big gulp." He said Hajar noticed that Jace went away after the half sentence that Simon said she sight feeling bad for him kind of. Clary chuckles at Simon

Simon " but how well do you know that Jace guy ? Can you really trust him ? " he said to clary Hajar couldn't believe that her own sister can't see that Simon is clearly jealous of Jace sometimes hajar asks her self how can her sister be blind to see that.

Clary " I think so I mean he saved me and haj life and yours." She said Hajar couldn't help but agree with her sister.

Simon " true. But i was thinking all of this craziness started the minute haj bumped into Alec at pandemonium." He said

Hajar " you think that's just a coincidence? Honestly i don't even know what to think anymore. All I know is that we need to get back my mom and our memories back. " she said to her sister and Simon.

Clary " yeah we need to know who we actually are. Maybe we saw where our mom hid the cup and...if we could just remember. We could have have saved her. I just wanna put all of these behind me. We don't know this world. " she said freaking out.

The love that you can never get x Alec lightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now