Chapter 13

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(Elise) good morning good people of genovia it's been a week since the royal wedding of your majesty mia and Nicholas, busy workers are setting up for genovias grand day since the ceremonial shooting of the flaming arrow through the coronation ring for lord Devereux now the coronation of a new king somewhere in the palace now is lord Devereux getting ready for the ceremony that will change his life forever

(Mia) *walking in throne room* just months ago it was me now it's you

(Nicholas) I feel like you the day of the ceremony *standing next to throne* they have two for us

(Mia) you'll be a great king Nicholas now let us be ready to show genovia a king

(Nicholas) *kissing mia* I love you

- coronation -

(Kelly) company atten..hurugh! Forward march! Left, right, left, left, right, left, left right left, left right left, left left right left, left left, left right left company halt!

(Lilly) you did great

(Shades) the eagle is taking off

(Lionel) the sparrow is flying

(Mia) *walking down left stair set*

(Nicholas) *walking down right stair set*

(Clarisse) mias done great

(Joe) now she has a king who will do great by her side

(Nicholas) *sitting on throne*

(Mia) *sitting on throne*

(Archbishop) *holding crown above Nicholas head* will you solenly promise and swear to govern the people of genovia, according to statues in parliament agree on and the respective laws and custom of the same? *placing crown on Nicholas head* Will you in your power cause law and justice and mercy to be executed in all judgments?

(Nicholas) *holding spear and septar* I solemnly promise so to do

(Archbishop) presenting his highness Nicholas Devereux Renaldi king of genovia

(Nicholas) *standing up from throne*

(Mia) *standing up from throne*

(Kelly) attention!

*guards holding swords up*

(Mia) *walking beside Nicholas* a queen

(Nicholas) and her king

(Announcer) presenting Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Devereux Renaldi and Nicholas Devereux Renaldi king and queen of genovia

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