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The two women ran fast out of the restaurant, the singing getting quieter the further they sprinted away from the death looming behind them. The two steadily came to a stop and turned around to check on their safety, they saw the two figures just outside the restaurant's doors, it looked as if they were somehow communicating to each other through the faint singing they could still hear. The two Singers then moved back inside pulling the forced open doors shut again and retreating into the depths of darkness.

"Jesus Iz, was tha-." Jessica panted her words and Isabelle cut her off.

"That was mum and dad. What the fuck. Jess, that was mum and dad?! You saw that right? What the fuck Jess, what the fuck."
"I saw it."

"She remembered me, Jess. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." Isabelle's words repeating themselves as she a panic attack crept over her body.

"I saw. I've never seen one before, a Singer I mean. I thought they were all primal. But it – your mum stopped- your parents Iz... She-."

"I've seen them before Jess." Isabelle said whilst touching the exposed scars on her neck. "But I've never seen one like that... She spoke... Jessica what the fuck is going on? It doesn't make sense, after all this time we finally kiss and the same night I find out my parents are Singers... or whatever the fuck they are... what is happening... I ... I don't understand... Jess... I... That was my fucking parents..." Isabelle was trembling by this point, the panic completely overcoming her body and she began to weep. Jessica moved towards Isabelle and tried to hug her to consolidate her, but Isabelle aggressively pushed her away shouting:

"Fuck off Jess! Leave me the fuck alone. Why the fuck did you make me come here, first you kiss me and then take me here, my fucking parents Jess! What the fuck is going..." Isabelle collapsed to her knees, her tears now flowing from her eyes and her words became murmured by her weeping pain. Jesscia once again approached Isabelle and knelt next to her and cradled her arms around her torso and the back of her head tight and whispered:

"Iz, It's okay. We're okay. It's okay."

Isabelle wrapped her arms around Jessica and embraced her comfort from this pain.

"Iz, do you think you can stand? We need to go. We need to go back home." Isabelle nodded her head and Jessica helped her to her feet and interlinked her arm with Isabelles as Isabelles body still occasionally shuddered and Jessica helped her mentally broken friend stumble their way back home in silence.

The two entered the house in silence and Jessica helped Isabelle sit down on the sofa and went and grabbed her a glass of water and helped her to clasp her trembling hands around it and lift it to her mouth.

"I'll be right back Isabelle; I'm going to check on Atlas and big Jim." Jessica swiftly but softly jumped up the stairs her feet taking two steps at a time, and she peaked her head into both Atlas and big Jims room and saw they were safe and both fast asleep, she also grabbed the note she had left for Atlas and placed it into her back pocket. She rejoined Isabelle on the sofa and cuddled up to her and stroked her short hair to try and comfort her. Isabelle shifted her body closer to Jessicas for safety and finally broke her silence.

"Do we tell him?"

"I don't know Isabelle. I don't know how he would take it."

"Me neither. He needs to know though, right? Or is it better if he doesn't?"

"I think tomorrow we need to speak to big Jim first, and then we can decide what we tell Atlas."

"Okay. Thank you, Jessica.

Singing of the dead (Novel one)Where stories live. Discover now