Part One

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Here's the start! Enjoy!


-Paisley's POV-

'Ugh,' I groan, flipping my hair up into a ponytail, before smoothing out my plaid shirt, and adjusting my slightly ripped shorts. I mean, I did want to make a good first impression for my job interview, right?

Grabbing my keys to my old 64' Ford Pickup(Thanks to my dad for that one) and strolled out of the flat(A/N: Apartment? Is that what Americans call it?) I was currently living in.

My hands were shaking as I pulled into the parking lot of Duck Commander, where I was being interviewed at. I slammed the car door, then readjusted my cowboy boots, sure it was well over 70 degrees, but I never missed a chance to wear my boots out.

"Hello. I take it you're the one that is being interviewed today? Paisley Hertfeld?" A tall man asked, he had a long, curly brown beard. "I'm Willie, by the way. Manager, and I will be the one interviewing you today." I gave him a small smile, then followed him to his office, which was actually quite nice, considering the fact that all they did was make duck calls, and were on a T.V. Show.

"Well, Paisley, as of right now, all I need for you to do is fill out this application, stating your last job, how old you are, and why you want to work here, etc. Then, I'll evaluate you, and ask a few simple questions myself. Then, you'll meet the crew, and we'll decide if you deserve the job or not." Willie explained, handing me a clipboard and pen, along with a neatly piled stack of papers, stapled and ready for me to fill out.

After filling out the papers, I handed them back to him, allowing him to look through them, then nodding his head.

"Paisley, what school do you attend? It says here you are 16, is that right?" He asked me. I nodded, then opening my mouth to reply.

"I go to Getterside High School, sir." (A/N: I made up that school)

"Please, call me Willie. Now, how far away do you live from the building?"

"I live about 45 minutes to an hour away." I simply stated, answering his short questions.

"Well, on some late nights, it looks like you'll be staying here, due to the fact I wouldn't want you getting hurt by crashing in the dark. I like you, girl. Now let's go see what the other fella's think of you." He said, standing up.

I followed behind him, looking for the rest of the men that worked here. When we arrived, I saw a bunch of older men, messing around, playing a game of basketball. They all had grown out beards, and were extremely tall. Willie whistled loudly, grabbing their attention.

"Lads, this is Paisley Hertfeld. She applied today, and I quite frankly like her, so, get to know her, and tell me if she's hired or not. Is that good?" Willie spoke loudly, he spoke so loud, I swear people that were deaf would hear him. All of the men nodded, turning their heads to look at me.

Willie left, returning to his office, while the men began hammering me with questions.

"How old are you?"

"Why are you applying here?"

"Do you watch us on the television?"

"Where are you from?"

I answered all the questions quickly, before all of them shut up, noticing I was tired if questions.

Willie came walking back up, glancing at all of us, as if looking for permission for something.

"Alright guys, is she good, or no?"

I looked over, seeing a bunch of smiles, and a chorus of "Yes's" echo throughout our small area.

"Well, then you're hired," Everyone cheered, "But, there is one more person I want you to meet." I nodded, before following him to the back of the warehouse, noticing a tall teenage boy, with gorgeous brown hair, and large eyes. His body was tanned, and sweat was dripping from the side of his forehead. He looked up and smiled at us, his huge dimples showing, making me gape at how cute this boy was. But who was this boy exactly? Was he another worker? As we walked up closer, I got a better look at him, nice muscled body, definitely close to abs. One we were close enough to arms length, Willie introduced me to him. He held out his hand, while I took it in mine, shaking it firmly.

"Hi, my name's John Luke, and I'm Willie's son."


A/N; I hope you all enjoyed this, because it seems kinda long! :P And I'm super tired, so sorry if this sucks! It's almost 11:00 here. Oh, and sorry for such the long wait! I completely forgot I was going to write a Duck Dynasty fanfic! But, I hope this makes up for the such long wait. I sincerely love you all. And, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow us. Thanks! Xox.


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