Chapter 34

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Already the city was busy, cars filed past the bus as it came to a stop. Thanking the driver, Manny stepped off and onto Oxford Road, zipping his coat up to his chin. A bitterly cold wind sliced through the streets and the sun's light was milky through the blanket of grey cloud but it did nothing to subdue his mood. Yesterday his bank balance made it to triple figures, he ate two meals, got great feedback from his tutor at uni, exchanged messages with Henry for a full hour and today he would see him. After his match, Henry would get the train up to Piccadilly where Manny would meet him at about nine that night.

It had been so joyously easy to slip back into their old texting habits, it was as if no time had passed. Why had he let so much time pass? He had retreated, shrouded in embarrassment from the fight and missed out on so much. Missed out on so much with Henry. They wouldn't miss out on anything anymore.

"Hey." Callum waved a gloved hand as he too approached the library entrance. A navy beanie was pulled over his chestnut hair and his cheeks were red from the cold.

They walked in together and Manny led the way upstairs to the usual study room. On the way, Callum stopped a few times to greet some of the other students who were in that morning, and silently waved to some who were too far away to whisper to. He thankfully didn't chat for too long but Manny was still bewildered how he knew so many people.

Once inside their designated room, Manny slung his coat over one of the chairs and unpacked his bag, setting the flask of coffee he had made that morning on the oval table that dominated the room.

"Smart thinking," said Callum, nodding to the flask.

"Thanks, yeah." Manny then noticed just a bottle of water in front of Callum. "Do you want me to message Amani and get her to grab you a coffee on her way in? She usually buys one."

"Yes, actually that'd be great."

One of the many brilliant things about Amani were her speedy replies. Barely a minute was between Manny's message and hers. "She's getting a cappuccino, do you want the same?"

After catching himself checking it four times before he'd even left the house, Manny had been trying to avoid looking at his phone - he had sent a good luck message to Henry that morning and was waiting for a reply - but he made an exception. Plus, relaying that Callum too would like a cappuccino, meant that he could check that he hadn't missed a response from a certain someone without it counting as obsessive.

"So um, did I get the time wrong or is everyone else running late?" Callum adjusted the forest green jumper he was wearing.

Manny gave Callum a rueful smile. "Not at all, sorry I should have explained. So Dean went out last night and is predictably hungover, so although he suggested ten, Lucy probably told you ten-thirty, right?" Manny paused as Callum nodded, before carrying on, "The thing is, Lucy is a disaster at being on time, for most things usually only ten-fifteen minutes late but because she probably had a late night last night too, plus she knows that Dean will be late and she massively underestimates how long it takes her to get here. As for Amani, she knows what those two are like but is at least on her way."

"How come you came on time?" Callum asked, holding Manny's gaze.

"I always come at the time we agree, I don't mind being alone for a bit plus, I guessed that you would come on time, so..." Manny shrugged.

"Well, thank you," beamed Callum.

Twenty-or-so minutes later, Amani entered, stylishly wrapped up in a felt coat, coffees in hand and not too long later, Dean, dressed in thick jogging bottoms and a huge hoodie shuffled in, followed by Lucy. Learning from previous mistakes, they forced themselves to quickly start on the work so that conversation didn't derail them completely. Amani took the lead, reading aloud the hypothetical patient history and then the first point of the question list.

Between the five of them, they were able to move fairly swiftly through the assignments. Callum easily navigated his way through their overlapping chatter, making sure to add his own points to the discussion. They were about halfway through the question list when Lucy suggested a break. While the others nipped out for some refreshments, Lucy and Manny stayed behind, sharing a packet of salt and vinegar straws she'd pulled out of her bag.

"How come you're so chipper this morning?" Lucy asked, reaching for another crisp.

"It helps that I don't have a raging hangover," Manny teased.

"Har har. It's not so bad, Dean's worse off than me and I'm aware enough to notice the vibes between you and Callum," she said with an eyebrow raised and a knowing look.

Manny glanced at the door. "What are you on about? There are no vibes."

"Manny, there are definite vibes. Honestly I was impressed that I could witness two people flirt while ostensibly discussing asthma." She popped a crisp in her mouth.

"You're insane, actually insane! You need to have your eyes checked," scoffed Manny. "Seriously need an optician."

"Who needs an optician?" Callum nudged the door open wider as he stepped through. "I know a decent one here."

Manny's eyes grew wide. "Um, how come you go to an optician? You don't wear glasses."

"Contacts." Callum set down a tray of drinks and a carrier bag down on the table. "I don't think I suit glasses so I only wear them at home."

"I'm sure you look great in them," reassured Manny.

"Well it'd be a shame if you end up needing a pair but I can help you pick some out," smiled Callum. From behind him, Lucy moved into view and emphatically mouthed vibes.

Thankfully at that moment, Dean and Amani returned with some paper-wrapped sandwiches from the deli down the street. They shared out the food and were all grateful for the good coffee Callum had bought from Roasters.

On the table Manny's phone buzzed with a notification.

Thanx, see you later ;)

Giddiness bubbled in his chest as he checked the time. It was almost two o'clock, with kick-off in an hour, Henry had chosen to read his message before warm-up.

"What's everyone's plans for the rest of the day after we finish this work?" asked Amani.

Dean swallowed down a bite of sandwich. "Bed."

"There's a pottery painting thing I'm thinking of going to and then me and my flatmates are going to a pub quiz," said Lucy.

"Not much then," said Dean sarcastically.

"I'm considering going to see the new Harry Potter at the cinema, if anyone wants to join," said Callum.

"Oh, I'm seeing that tomorrow with some friends, otherwise I'd join," Amani sighed.

"What friends? We're your only friends," Dean said through a mouthful of food. Amani threw her scrunched up sandwich paper at his head.

"Do you fancy coming, Manny?" Callum turned to him.

"Sorry, I'm busy, my friend is coming up to visit," said Manny. "Otherwise I would."

"No worries, another time."

"Was that what that text was about?" Lucy eyed Manny.

Amani laughed, "You're so nosy, Luce."

Manny shrugged and took a large bite of his sandwich.

It was just past four when they finished at the library and the sun had already set, taking with it the little light it had given out that day. Lucy made her goodbyes quick so she could hurry off to the potter class she had decided she would attend, her red bobble hat disappearing into the throng of people on the street. Once Dean had located the key for the cable lock securing his bicycle - one panic-stricken double check of the library, only to find it in his pocket after all - he pushed off into the night, waving a hand as he went. The remaining three trudged to the bus stop.

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