chapter 5 -The day after-

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Scotts pov:
I woke up around 8am , later then i normally wake up. I felt a weight pulling me down onto the bed so i couldn't get up as there was a sleeping jimmy holding me. I sighed and cuddled up to jimmy, he felt warm, i felt safe. Couple hours later, i woke up around 10am. I didn't feel anyone on me so i got up, jimmy's hoodie completely covering the first half of my body going down onto my knees.

Walking down the stairs i heard a voice, it was jimmy, 'morning sleepy head' he said while sipping a drink. I Saw a coffee on the side, he made me a drink? My favourite drink? 'Morning jim..' I didn't finish his name as i was still tired but he bursted out into awe as all that come from his mouth was 'AWH IS THAT A NICKNAME? Your nickname is scotty now!'

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the coffee. Its wired, i like being around him.. I shouldn't, should i?..

./.172 words./.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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