Chapter I: Unraveled Ties √

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The soft morning light filters through the curtains, nudging Kaitlyn gently awake. She's greeted by the cheerful symphony of birdsong outside her window. As she rubs the sleep from her eyes, she extends her arm across the bed, expecting to find the warmth of her husband, Dean, but instead encountering only the cool sheets. With a bemused frown, she glances around the room, half-expecting to spot him hiding behind the curtains or perhaps already up and about in the bathroom.

And so, Kaitlyn made her way to the kitchen to atleast make some breakfast for Dean. With the ease of someone well-acquainted with the morning routine, she set to work. She effortlessly cracked eggs into a bowl, their sunny yolks contrasting beautifully with the pristine porcelain. Meanwhile, bacon danced and sizzled on the hot skillet, its irresistible aroma mingling with the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee.

While Kaitlyn busied herself in the kitchen, Dean made his entrance, dressed to the nines in a sleek suit and tie, exuding an air of corporate authority. His discontent was evident as his gaze lingered on Kaitlyn who was once a friend but now someone he couldn't stand.

Dean's dissatisfaction was evident as he fidgeted with his tie and yet Kaitlyn remained unfazed. With a calm demeanor, she placed a meticulously prepared breakfast on the table and offered, "Breakfast before you go?"

But Dean did not respond.

Silence enveloped them and so Kaitlyn made an effort to ease the tension, reaching out with conversation in hopes of reconnecting. "Dean," her gentle voice cut through the uneasy quiet as she set the plate before him.

His response was met with a measured indifference, his gaze scrutinizing her features with a distant air. "Kaitlyn, we need to talk," his tone remained calm yet distant, hanging in the air like the prelude to an impending storm.

Her forehead creased as concern was obvious on her face. "Uhm, yes?" she asked with a fragile uncertainty woven into her words.

He sighed with a deep exhale carrying unspoken burdens, and finally opened up. "I can't keep pretending, Kaitlyn. This isn't what I signed up for," his words were a bitter admission that hung in the space between them.

Kaitlyn's voice trembled as she reached out, desperately trying to salvage what remained. "Dean, we can work through this. I thought we were friends, partners."

But Dean's resolve remained unyielding. "It's not that simple, Kaitlyn. I can't ignore my feelings any longer," he admitted, his gaze unwavering.

A sense of disbelief washed over her like a bucket filled with cold water. As she reached for the envelope he had on his hand, she asked, "What is that, Dean? What's in that envelope?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

As Dean gave another heavy sigh he pushed the envelope towards her. "Let's go our separate ways," he stated, his voice a cold gust, as the truth unfolded before her eyes, written starkly in the divorce papers. Kaitlyn, in shock, stared at the unraveling threads of a marriage she had desperately clung to.

Her hand shook reading those divorce papers, each word hitting hard. Tears welled up as she looked at Dean, her voice shaky but determined. "Dean, I can't deal with this," she paused with a quiet rebellion against their expected breakup.

With a shaky breath, she spilled her heart out. "Yeah, we're not what we used to be, but there's more to us than these papers say. We had dreams, Dean. Can't we figure this out instead of doing this?" Her words were filled with emotion.

Dean's eyes revealed a painful truth as he spoke, "Kaitlyn, we can't escape reality. My heart's somewhere else."

As Kaitlyn held onto the tiniest of hope, trying to reason, Dean cut her off. "Kaitlyn, that is enough. You have three days to sign these papers. My lawyer is away, and when he returns, this will be finalized," his words were a cold command, shattering her fragile hope.

Without looking back at the breakfast she had prepared for him, Dean left. The remains of their conversation and cold breakfast lay discarded, like pieces of a life falling apart after his indifferent leave.

The moment the door closed, Kaitlyn looked at the untouched breakfast. Suddenly, nausea swept over her as she ran to the sink wretching. Kaitlyn teared up gargling her mouth with water as she whispered, her voice shaky, hiding inner sorrow. "What's happening to me?" She sighed along a painful laugh.

She was overwhelmed by hopelessness and Kaitlyn knew that she needed to accept whatever will happen next. As she sat on the floor, tears streamed down her cheeks. The truth that their marriage was a desperate attempt to save her family's business was never hidden among the people they knew. But even that purpose seemed hollow now, with her father's illness overshadowing any stability.

With a hint of little strength, Kaitlyn stood up, wiping away her despair. The untouched breakfast was cleared away as she decided to continue with her usual morning chores.

And when she was finally done cleaning the house, thoughts of her father led her back to the life she once knew. Kaitlyn decided to visit him. It became a glimmer of purpose in chaos of the house she has been living and it fueled her steps forward.

Despite feeling weighed down by life's troubles, Kaitlyn decided to take care of herself. She hopped into a warm bath, letting it wash away all the stress and worries, both physical and emotional.

When it came to dressing up, she kept it simple. No fancy titles or roles-just Kaitlyn being herself. She rebelled against society's expectations by choosing clothes that felt comfortable and true to who she was, not who others wanted her to be.

As she pulled up to her father's house after a quick 30-minute drive, she expected a bit of peace and quiet. But instead, chaos greeted her at the door-maids running around, the butler looking like he was in a hurry.

Kaitlyn who was bewildered and unsure immediately made her way through the chaotic scene, her concern growing with each passing moment. The once peaceful haven now buzzed with unexpected commotion, leaving her feeling disoriented and anxious.

As Kaitlyn rushed inside, the frenzy outside gave way to an unsettling calm indoors. All eyes turned to her, their surprise unmistakable. Even the usually composed butler seemed jittery as he approached her.

"Miss Kaitlyn," he started sounding a bit uncertain, "we didn't think you'd be dropping by today. Something's happened." His words hung in the air that is now thick with tension. Kaitlyn's heart raced as she braced herself for the news she didn't want to hear. "What's going on? Where's papa?"

The butler hesitated before answering. "Miss, your dad... He's in the hospital," he said while his expression was grave. Each word hit her like a ton of bricks, shaking her to the core.

"What?..." Kaitlyn's voice trailed off, her mind reeling with the sudden turn of events.

(End of the Chapter)


Author's note: To my loved readers, it's been five years since my last book. Guess now I'm starting to miss writing. I hope you guys enjoy this and recommend it. My updates will be one or more chapters every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Thank you!

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