The Yellow Jacket and The Honeybee

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The Young Honeybee stood proudly upon her marble podium in the sky whilst the humble Yellow Jacket bowed her head down as the Barbarula stepped up with the green vines blocking out some of the ethereal light of the three sol sisters: Alma, Cuerpo and Mente who outshone the many other stars around the moons hidden veil of silver dust.

Barbarula tooks her steps slowly from the small cobblestone path surrounded by large bushes, the waterfall and the babbling brook behind her.

"ma dame de la ruche sans ailes." Bowed and greeted the Honeybee.

"моя леди, нелетающая оса." Greeted the Yellow jacket who preformed her curtsy.

"As we know, both of you are the representatives of your colonies." Barbarula announced from her booming voice.

The honeybee smiled warmly and stood tall.

"An despite over a small river with sugar cane and honey pots hidden in an abandoned honeybee nest." Barbarula raised an eyebrow. "I am right?"

Yellow Jacket nodded.


"We have found the part of land, previously hidden, on our border first. We shared our good news with our sisters of home." The yellow Jacket murmured as the Honeybee took over her.

"As she says, she found it first, but us bees are running out of pollen and nectar to make our food, the winter of our moon is coming." Honeybee retaliated.

Barbarula listened intently.

"As also our species made this thing we do desperately yearn for, and as you said, they are long gone."  Honeybee continued.

Yellow Jacket raised an eyebrow at the seemingly innocent Honeybee's words.

"But we found it first? I don't see why attacking us was good way for us to give the land over? Where war comes, death follows." The Yellow Jacket muttered, quite surprised at the Honeybee's speech.

Barbarus's antenna perked.

Honeybee sighed, "But you attacked us first, we are victims of this argument, we tried to greet you kindly!"

Barbarus narrowed her eyes.


"Your scouts came onto land we claimed with no explanation and attacked an innocent worker!" Yellow Jacket cried.


Barbarus scraped two parts of her abdomen together making a loud buzzing sound, taking everyone's attention.

"It is clear" Barbarus announced.


"This land..."


"Belongs to..."


"The Yellow Jackets."


The place was silent.


Almost as soon as the silence ended the crowd around the erupted into protest but the audible joys of the Yellow Jackets could be heard amongst the Honeybees roars.

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