Chapter 2 Part 2

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10:30 local time

Carm approached his tank.

The oil stench was omnipresent, someone had been doing maintenance on it.

Working on Carm's personal vehicle without permission or proper authorization was an overstep of one's boundaries, unless it was an adult, Carm wasn't exactly at the age or mental proficiency (despite his calculating demeanor) to boss grown-ups around yet.

Still, if it was a student then this was probably going to be a repremand

"Who's there?" Carm said.

"Ope! Looks like sleeping beauty finally crawled out of his bed!" A voice said.

"You know that putting hands on my tank is subject to punishment."

His driver stuck his head out from the engine cover, face smothered in globs of grease.

"Oh please, I plead guilty. Arrest me and take me to death row already" he said, sticking his hands out like Carm was going to handcuff him right then and there.

Of course he was being sarcastic.

"Oh, alright then Dan, here, lemme go get some handcuffs and the MPs real quick." Carm said, playing along

(Yes, there was MPs at the base, complete with rifles and even some K-9 units, spy deterrent)

Dan was the name of Carm's driver.

Since Ralph was over on the other side of the ocean, Dan was going to have to pick up the slack of maintaining the tank that Ralph would've normally done.

Only problem was that the M29 was not the most reliable platform, having never been used in combat or having a service career in general, so no improvements could be made to the chassis and parts and actually stay within tankery rules, as only historical vehicles were allowed, with no present day modifications allowed (other than safety features of course).

As such, any issues with the tank had to be tolerated by crews.

"Well, if you're going to arrest me, just know that the transmission ain't gonna fix itself."

"The transmission? This ain't a German tank." Carm said

"I know, I know yeah. It ain't German but it weighs just as much as a King Tiger and the transmission is stuffed next to the engine so it's constantly overheating.

Makes it easy to reach, but last thing I want is a melted gearbox"

"Ah I see,

So is the tank ready to go? We're moving as soon as possible." Carm said.

That took Dan by surprise, presumably by his expression twisting a little.

"Well. F###. Half of me is still in bed." Dan said

"Language." Carm said.

"Alright Captain Freaking America. I'll watch my Flipping language." Dan said, obviously squeezing the enjoyment of teasing

"Hah, funny, get in the driver's seat, I want the crew to immediately begin to get rid of their accumulated rust" Carm said

"Sir? We've only had like three or so days since we used our tank last, I'm sure our skill hasn't deteriorated THAT much." Dan said.

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