•CHAPTER 2- The Proposal•

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Y/N: Uncle Kim.

Mr.Kim: Hello Dear!

Y/N:  Hello Uncle...(Then she saw Mr.Kim's daughter Somi, and hugged her)

Y/N: Hey Somi how are you?

Somi: I am fine Y/N (Smile)

Y/N: Please come inside 

When Lia saw Mr.Kim she immediately switched off the TV and went to greet them meanwhile Mr.Choi came out and asked Y/N 

Y/F: Whose there Y/N?

Y/N: Appa Uncle Kim is here.

Y/F: Hey Kim!! (both of them hug each other)

Y/F: How are you doing?

Mr.Kim: I am fine.

Y/N: Umm Somi let's go out I'll show you our garden.

Then both Lia and Somi followed her

Both Mr.Kim and Mr.Choi sat on the couch and started talking.

Mr. Kim:  Well how is everything going??

Y/F: Good... Well, yesterday Mr.Cha finalized our deal.

Mr.Kim: Congratulation... Well, what about the party?

Y/F: Soon...

Till then Y/M came and greeted Mr.Kim and ordered the maids to bring some snacks for them...

Mr.Choi and Mr.Kim were talking about their business when Mr.Choi asked him...

Y/F: So I see you have also made so many profits... What's the secret?

Mr.Kim: Nothing Just the designer behind these designs is Somi and many people in the market have liked her designs... so our shares are going higher...

Y/F: Hmm I see ...some of your designs were really nice...

Mr.Kim: And the second reason behind our success is because of Taehyung's hard work

Y/F: I see... well how is he doing these days?? I haven't seen him for so long...

Mr.Kim: Not fine...

Y/F: Wae?

Mr.Kim: Well the main reason why I am here is about him....

Y/F: What happened to him?

Mr.Kim: Well 4-5 months ago Taehyung's girlfriend Ha-rin broke up with him, she cheated on him badly. She was behind him just for the sake of money, but Tae truly loved her and now he can't bear this pain... He even has a bad habit of drinking. He keeps on indulging himself in work so that he can divert his mind. but that isn't working he is spoiling himself as well as his health...

Y/F: That's bad... please try to make him understand that drinking isn't a  good habit and overworking can stress him up to a great extent.

Mr.Kim: Both me and his mother have tried so much but he doesn't listen to us.

Y/F: Then what are you planning to do??

Mr.Kim: Umm I think that....... If Taehyung marries someone then that girl can help him to come out of this situation..

Y/F: Yes you are right.

Mr.Kim: My Dear friend, see I am not forcing you but just asking for your help.  How about if we get Taehyung married to Y/N??

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