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Okay, look. Maybe I've never been the most outwardly rebellious person, but I like to think I can live a little.

When I submitted my application to Eastwood, I was certain I'd be accepted. I mean, I had an outstanding GPA and I had extra curriculars. I was in different clubs too. Drama club, music club, book club, debate club, student council, literature club. Hell, I even did chess club first semester freshman year. I mean, I couldn't and still can't play chess but what's life without a leap of faith, you know? I did what I liked, dropped out of what I didn't, and kept moving on and trying new things.

The day I got my acceptance letter, I leaped for joy. Yes, I know I was pretty confident that I'd be accepted anyway but that feeling of reassurance and relief is something I'll never forget. I screamed so loud my parents thought I was dying and I insisted on using my weekly paycheck on dinner for my family.

A whopping $100.15 paycheck covered some of it. Dad covered the tipping portion. That's what you get for working at a small town yogurt shop on Mondays and Wednesdays. Volunteering at the bookstore on the weekends didn't make me money, but I did it anyway. The owner was old and couldn't stock the shelves anymore. She made me the cutest muffins (ones that were as hard as rocks) and let me read at the register when the shop was empty. I loved it there.

Now, eight months later, I'm settled into Eastwood and have never felt more at home. Fall has officially settled in. The leaves have turned from green to vibrant shades of yellow, orange, and red. Everyone finds themselves in small bars playing pool or watching sports. In the winter time, people often do snow related activities considering the amount of snowfall we get per year. Snowboarding and skiing are some of Eastwood's students' favorites.

But nothing compares to Eastwood's top favorite thing: Hockey. Hockey at Eastwood can only be compared to hockey anywhere in Canada. People eat, sleep, and breathe hockey here. It's like a religion. If you don't like hockey, you don't have friends. If you like hockey, you fit right in, and if you play hockey... you're like royalty.

I say 'royalty' because most of the guys who are lucky enough to become one of Eastwoods Wolves normally go pro when they graduate. Pro as in NHL status. Out of the three hundred guys who tryout, only twenty-nine make it to the team. That thought alone is mind blowing.

"That pass sucked," Noah says as he puts a pretzel in his mouth. We're currently sitting at Hounds Pub, a small bar and major hot spot off campus. It's warm and cozy, compared to the chill outside. People are laughing and clinking glasses as football, golf, and hockey play on the widescreen televisions above the bar. I stare up at the Maple Leafs v Blackhawks game, mesmerized by Mitch Marner's beat up face in the penalty box.

"Hello? Mrs. Marner," Noah teases. I roll my eyes. "Shut up." I look over at him, his dark brown eyes having their usual trace of mischief and playfulness. "I don't blame you. He's hot. It would just be nice to have a conversation with you while he's on T.V. that's all."

I smile at him, hitting his arm. The royalty rule also applies to my best friend since I've moved here, Noah Becker. As a right wing on Eastwood's hockey team, Noah is known everywhere and anywhere. When we go somewhere, someone — who I don't always recognize — waves at him or says "good game." Girls are always all over him and giggling when he skates past at games. One could say he's the prince charming of Eastwood.

Well... nearly.

"I've got practice in ten minutes. I'll see you later?" He asks as he pushes his stool back, setting a five dollar bill on the counter. I nod my head, "Don't miss me too much."

He gives me a sweet smile and a small wink, "never."

Most girls would melt if Noah smiled or winked at them. For me, it's a usual thing. I've gotten so used to it, I rarely notice those things anymore. When I met Noah in July, I was only shocked that the little apartment I was renting was right next to two hockey players. I still haven't met Noah's roommate, but I thought Noah was cute when I met him.

Now, those feelings of him being cute have... worn off.

"What's a beautiful and mysterious girl like you doing here all alone?" I hear a feminine voice in my ear that makes me jump.

I close my eyes, my hand clutching to my jacket. "Evelyn! Don't do that!" She laughs as she sits down in Noah's previous seat. "Where's Noah?"

I try to calm my heaving chest and regain my focus, "practice. It's Tuesday." Evelyn – my roommate – takes off her black leather jacket, hanging it on her chair. Her hair is done up in a clip, her usual gold 'E' initial necklace hangs from her neck over the white cable knit sweater she's wearing today. I've always loved the clothes she wears. The amount of clothes she's let me borrow is countless.

"Were you hoping to actually speak to him today?" I joke. She sighs, her eyes looking solemn. "Hey! I've tried. He's just... I don't know. He doesn't really talk to any other girl but you. That makes it a little bit more complicated."

I shake my head, "that's not true. He talks to girls all the time." Evelyn's red lips form into a horizontal line on her face as she shakes her head,  "not as much as you think and especially not as much as you."

I try to rack my mind for any encounter I've seen with my own two eyes where Noah has only spoken to me when I'm around. His teammates are different considering he spends 99.9% of his time with them. "I'm confused, though." I confess. "He's charming and sweet and a hockey player. Why wouldn't he talk to other girls?"

Evelyn raises her eyebrows, "girl. If you can't see how much Noah is into you by now, I don't even think a school bus hitting you at seventy miles an hour will."

My mouth drops. No. No way. Okay, I'm sure he thinks I'm cute, but the fact he could actually be into me is nonsense. The guy saw me vomit from food poisoning for crying out loud. Into me? Absolutely not.

"Whatever. Change of subject," Evelyn shakes her head. "You know that research paper for English that's due in like a month because it's way too long? Will you help me with it sometime? I want to get a head start." I'm about to respond, but memories of my laziness hit me and I groan as I bang my head on the bar counter, "shit. I meant to get some books from the library yesterday for it and ended up taking a four hour nap."

I feel Evelyn's nails scratch my back at an attempt to soothe me. "Honey, you spend way too much time in that library, you know that right? I feel like the romance section shares a bedroom with you, not me."

I pop my head up and she jolts back at my motion, "and I have to work at the library tonight." Her blue eyes widen and a small yet concerned smile takes form on her face. "Well, you're not going to die on me are you?" I shake my head to reassure her as I rub my eyes. I could really use a nap right now.

"Okay, well it's already 6:30. Why don't I walk you to the library and I'll stay with you for a bit before I head back and do some homework." She stands to grab her jacket and handbag, grabbing mine for me. I look up at the television when I hear cheers through the speakers and yells behind me. "Marner with yet another goal today in Toronto!"

I try to hold in my excitement. The Maple Leaf's have always been one of my favorite teams. I've never had a connection with Canada, but I've always loved how well they play and they were normally on my t.v. back at home whenever my Dad watched hockey. Since I was little, I always cheered for them. And since 2015, Mitch Marner has always been my favorite player.

Because of how well he plays the sport, obviously...

I take my bookbag from Evelyn's hands and follow after her as she holds the door for me. The autumn air catches my skin as I walk out of Hounds. Cars are driving by, leaves are falling off the trees, and the smell of coffee fills my senses from the brewery just down the street. I love it here. I love this place so much I could kiss the ground.

I won't actually do that but the sentimentality is what counts.

Evelyn interlocks her arm around mine, walking beside me on the pavement. "You know, there is this one book I've been thinking about reading. I wanted your thoughts on it since you read a lot." I smile at her, tapping my head on her shoulder. "Ah, my favorite topic of conversation, Ev. Go on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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