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Narrator: When we last left the Dragon Ball gang Goku,Hikari & Bardock said their goodbyes to Bulma and ventured off across the land heading for the island of the turtle hermit Master Roshi with the old teacher's help Goku,Hikari & Bardock saw to improve their skills of martial arts

Goku,Hikari & Bardock still riding Nimbus they both looked around

Bardock: Is it me or is this place familiar?

Goku: *laughs* Hey this place is right by our house we've never seen it from the sky before.

Hikari: You're right why don't we go down and grab our stuff?

Goku: Great idea Hikari let's go.

Hikari,Goku and Bardock flies off to the house then they grabbed their stuff

Bardock: We've got so many stuff we can't let Nimbus carry everything.

Hikari: No problem Pa i've got it covered.

Hikari snaps her 2 fingers and Poof! A duffle bag was by her hands

Hikari snaps her 2 fingers and Poof! A duffle bag was by her hands

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Hikari: Here you go Pa.

Hikari hands the duffel bag to Bardock

Bardock: Thanks Hikari.

Bardock takes the bag puts it on Nimbus and pushes their stuff inside

Bardock: Huh?

Hikari: What's wrong Pa?

Bardock: The futon and the others are missing.

Goku: Here it is daddy.

Hikari and Bardock looks to see Goku holding the other stuff

Bardock: Thanks son.

Bardock takes the other stuff and pushes them inside the bag

Goku: I'm hungry.

Hikari: Yeah me 2. Hey master roshi probably have some food.

Bardock: Then what are we waiting for?

Hikari,Bardock & Goku jumps on Nimbus and flies off to Roshi's house

Back To Bulma & The Others

Their ship was loosing control then they crash landed in the jungle the ship destroyed and they held on to the trees but Bulma was hanging on a rope while the fire from the ship was trying to fry her then Yamcha,Oolong & Puar climbs down from the tree

Oolong: That baby's like a deep fryer and i was almost a well done pork roast.

Yamcha: It's a good thing we jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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