1 || 🎈 || Roommates

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Balloon's POV 

   The midday sun beamed down on my bare mattress through the window, where I was laying... absolutely dreading what was to come.  I could hear the constant hum of the radiator next to me, which only fueled my growing anxiety.  My bags were already packed - I'm pretty sure I got everything - I just really don't want to go.

     After a few minutes of trying to hype myself up (to the best of my abilities), I peeled myself from my former bed, sighing heavily as I stood up.  It's already 12:30, and I was supposed to out by 11.  Welp, there's no point in waiting any longer, OJ's already getting irritated with me.

Nickel's POV

     I paced around my room, time ticking by as I grew increasingly frustrated.  This whole situation had to have been the worst outcome imaginable, first I get into a fight, now this?  God, the world must have something against me.  He was supposed to be here an hour and a half ago! He really hasn't changed, has he?

     I was suddenly ripped from my thoughts when I heard a soft knocking at the door.  I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself as I walked over and lifted my foot up, twisting the handle to see...

Balloon: "Heyyy... Nickel." The high pitched voice reluctantly greeted, his face curving into a forced smile.

      ...Balloon.  God, I hate that stupid face of his.

Nickel: "Hi." I grumbled back, not bothering to meet his gaze as I propped open the door with my heel, glaring at him as he walked inside.

     This is going to be a long day.

Balloon's POV

     Seeing that coin made my stomach twist into a knot - and not in a good way.  My pathetic attempt at coming off as friendly obviously didn't do much to ease the tension, which I kinda expected.  I hauled my bags inside and into the shared bedroom, dropping them at the foot of my new bed, which was sadly placed on the opposite side of the room from the window.

     I reached out to unzip one of my bags.  My hands are trembling, am I really this nervous?  Just take a breath, Balloon, it won't be as bad as you think... right?

Nickel cleared his throat, catching me off guard and causing me to jump slightly.

Nickel: "So..." he started, seeming annoyed to even be in my presence, "that's your side of the room, that means, NO coming over here."

     I felt that same twisting feeling in my stomach as I heard the coin's voice. I could feel his gaze on me, and it was less than welcoming.  I nodded, keeping my back turned to him as I rummaged through my bag, pulling out my bedding.

Balloon: "I wasn't planning on it." I snapped back, my voice coming out a bit harsher than I intended.  Oh well, there was no hiding the fact that we hated each other's  guts.


Word Count: 550


ill try to update this as frequently as i can (my motivation is absolute garbage) SO hopefully i dont abandon this and maybe itll actualyl go somewhere?? idk yet BUUUT YEAH!!!

(its 9:50 am and i havent slept pls lmk if theres any mistakes im too tired to proofread this)

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