2 || ☁ || Fresh Start

145 6 2

Nickel's POV

     I walked into the empty room, not bothering to turn on the light before entering.  Today was... definitely something.  I let out a defeated sigh, flopping face-first down onto my bed and laying there for a good minute.  At least I have some time to myself before he gets back.

     I rolled over, my gaze landing on the blank ceiling above.  Funny, it's almost the same shade of gray as I am.  The subtle chirping of crickets outside seemed weirdly calming, but... I felt bad.  Why?  I don't know, I just feel like shit.  Ever since that fight, I've just felt like I'm doing something wrong.

     My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door creak open, with soft footsteps in the next room over.  Ugh, it's him.  I heard him walking in, I think he thought I was asleep, because he just laid down in bed without saying anything, not that I minded the silence.

Balloon's POV

     I approached the door, my smile fading as I remembered who I'm staying with.  I tried my best to shake off my worries as I stepped inside, after all, I had a pretty fun day with suitcase, and I didn't want that coin to ruin it for me.

     To my surprise, it was silent, and the lights were off.  I hesitantly walked into the room, seeing Nickel laying in his bed, likely asleep.  I breathed a soft sigh of relief, glad I wouldn't have to deal with him tonight at least.

     As I got comfortable in bed, I pulled out my phone, the dim blue light casting a soft glow on my side of the room.  I scrolled mindlessly, feeling bored out of my mi-

Nickel: "Hey, balloon?" His voice scared the shit out of me, and I nearly dropped my phone.

Balloon: "Oh, um, yeah?" Stumbling over my words, I quickly responded, calming down from my near heart attack.

     The room went silent for a bit as I waited for whatever it was Nickel had to say.  His voice sounded... different.  It wasn't his usual harsh and sarcastic tone. It just- I don't know, it was just different somehow.

Nickel: "...I'm sorry." His voice was quieter than normal, almost sounding... sad?

     I stayed silent, trying to figure out what the hell was going on... did he really just apologize to me?  Why is he suddenly switching up like this?  Is he drunk or something?

Balloon: "You're... sorry?" I question, my tone quiet and unsure.

Nickel's POV

     I don't know what came over me, I don't even really know why I'm apologizing, I know I've been an asshole to him, but that's because of what he did, he deserved it!  Despite this, I feel the words just... spouting from my mouth, like some sort of broken faucet.

Nickel: "I'm sorry for treating you like shit." I reply firmly, still looking up at the ceiling.  After a moment, I continue, "I know you're a better person now, and I'm sorry for not seeing that."

     Ugh, this feels... Wrong.  This feels so, so wrong, but, I know I have to come to terms with it eventually.  Even if that means in the middle of night... With absolutely no forethought or planning.

Balloon's POV

     I laid there in bed, pretty much frozen in place, how am I supposed to respond to that?!  I've been trying so hard to get him to warm up to me, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly!  This feels too impulsive, there has to be something more to this... Maybe he wants something from me?  Is he gonna try to gain my trust, just to throw me away like everyone else?

     Before I can think any longer, I speak up again, feeling my throat constricting around my words, begging me not to say it.

Balloon: "It's okay." My voice was so obviously strained, and I practically held my breath, expecting Nickel to burst out laughing, or start insulting me, or-

Nickel: "...You don't have to pretend to forgive me, Balloon." His tone sounded guilty, and it was obvious this time, he really did mean it.

     I glanced over at Nickel's side of the room, seeing him still laying there - his eyes locked on the ceiling.  For the first time in a while, I felt the knot in my stomach slowly unwinding, hearing the genuine sincerity in his voice, it felt- it felt... good.

Balloon: "Thanks." I practically whispered, looking back over at the ceiling on my side.

Nickel's POV

Balloon: "Thanks." I heard Balloon reply quietly, but clearly.

     Wow, okay, that just happened.  Geeze, what's next, we become best friends or something?  Well, I guess that's over now, it feels kinda surreal, honestly.  I've spent so long holding this grudge against him, was it really that easy to just let go of it like that?

     Silence filled the room, but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was oddly nice.  I sighed softly as I closed my eyes, feeling kind of... refreshed.  Maybe that's why I've been feeling so tense recently.  I just needed a fresh start.


Word Count: 890

im surprisingly not out of motivation yet sooo hopefully i can keep that up for however long i decide to make this dumb thing

btw if yall have any ideas for future interactions/side stories i mighhttt include some of them (thi is a BIG maybe, but id still like to hear what yall think)

edit: i just reread this and OH MY GOD there were so many mistakes
i wrote this impulsively after pulling an all nighter so um hopefully it looks better now LMAO

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