Chapter 1: Unexpected Glances

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In Niyomsil High School, where everyone had their own stories, there was Gemini. He was really pretty, with big, shiny eyes like a deer, soft milky skin, and lips that looked like they knew some beautiful secrets.

Fourth, the school nerd, couldn't help but stare at Gemini. He was like a magnet for eyes, and everyone talked about him in hushed whispers. Fourth noticed how people looked at Gemini, and he was curious about what made him so special.

At lunch, Gemini's laughter filled the cafeteria like a sweet song. Everyone turned to see him, and Fourth, sitting far away, couldn't resist looking, too. It seemed like wherever Gemini went, eyes followed him

In the hallways, students would whisper about Gemini, and Fourth felt a bit lost in all the talk. He wondered what made Gemini stand out, and why everyone seemed to be so interested in him.

One day, as Gemini was at his locker, some students went up to him. Fourth tried to focus on his book but couldn't help but overhear.

"Hey, Gemini, your art is amazing!" one student said.

"Thanks! I find inspiration in the beauty around us," Gemini replied with a warm smile.

Fourth couldn't stop listening. It was like a puzzle – everyone talking about Gemini, but what was the big deal? Gemini's lips, slightly plump, seemed to hold some kind of mystery.

As days passed, Fourth found himself daydreaming about Gemini. Even in the library, where Fourth usually focused on books, Gemini's laughter from another table would distract him. It was like a new melody in Fourth's routine.

The library wasn't the only place where Fourth noticed Gemini. Conversations among students were now filled with mentions of Gemini's presence. The air felt different, like there was a new character in the school story.

One day, there was an art exhibit at school. Gemini's paintings were on display. Fourth, curious to understand the hype, stood in front of one painting that caught his eye.

"You seem captivated by this one," Gemini said, appearing beside Fourth.

"It's incredible. Your art says something deeper," Fourth admitted.

Gemini smiled. "Art is a language beyond words, you know?"

From that moment, their conversations flowed, revealing layers of their personalities. The art exhibit became a turning point, a chapter where Fourth and Gemini started to see each other beyond the surface.

Little did they know, these glances and whispers were just the beginning of a story that would unfold in the corridors of Niyomsil High School, where the pretty boy's exterior beauty would lead to an unexpected connection, bringing forth a tale of love and self-discovery.

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