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Back story of Chanlix.

Once Felix visited to Jisung's studio in their final year

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Once Felix visited to Jisung's studio in their final year. Jisung joined 3Racha when they were in the 4th semester. Felix went inside and found Jisung sleeping on the couch cutely with a pout and quickly clicked a picture to send it to Hyunjin.

He then saw a short yet buff man sitting on his laptop working on some music. Then he spotted another man sitting on his laptop on the floor, shirtless. He could clearly see his abs. He forgot what he came for because he was busy staring.

"Oi what are you here for?" The buff man from earlier asked making the shirtless guy quickly wear his t-shirt.

"I am here to meet Jisung." Felix smiled. "I am Lee Felix. His friend."

"I am Seo Changbin. Jisung did tell about his friend coming over. You have flecks, a deep voice, small hands and a cute appearance. Just like he said. You really are his friend. Do I need to wake him up?"

"Uhh.. no no I will wait. He will be tired." Felix smiled.

"Hi this is Bang Chan." Chan said giving his hand forward for a handshake.

Felix gladly accepted it. The three of them talked until Jisung woke up.

"Oi Felix. You are here." Jisung went and hugged him.

"They didn't tease you right." Jisung said glaring at the two.

"Of course not. But I had a question." Felix whispered in Jisung's ears in a deep voice.

Jisung felt shivers due to how deep Felix's voice is.

"Is that old guy Chan always shirtless." He tried to speak slowly but the other two also heard him making Chan embarrassed.

"Yaa I am not old." Chan shouted being annoyed after hearing everyone calling him old.

Jisung and Changbin laughed joined by Felix. Okay so Jisung called Felix because he wanted to set Chan and Felix as he thought they would look perfect together. He thought Felix was always third wheeling him and Hyunjin as Seungmin was busy with his part time jobs.

Also, Chan was getting old and being a responsible dongsaeng, he wanted to make sure Chan gets married before becoming too old. Felix just went over his best friend to know why he called him at the studio. The two of them went outside the studio to talk. Felix wondered what was that important.

"What do you think about the guy you met earlier?"

"You mean that short guy with a buff body?"

"No. The one who was shirtless."

"You mean hot abs- I mean Chan. Yeah he seems like a sweet guy with a hot bod-"

"Okay I got what you mean. No need to continue. Would you like to go on a date with him?"

"Me? Why?"

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