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Jeongin was watching a drama while eating his ice-cream. He suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.

"It's still the 8th month then what pain is this?" He thought.

Then he remembered that today is Saturday. Minho and Seungmin would have been home. Also they lived the closest to Changbin and Jeongin's house. He called them.

They were in their beauty sleep cuddled up in the bed when Minho's phone rang. He mentally cursed at the person before picking up the call. He did not want to wake the younger up.

"Hyung hyung. Can you come to my house? It's an emergency." Youngest cried in pain.

"Aigo Jeongin-ah are you ok? What happened? You wait I will be there in 10 minutes."

He cut the call and ran outside in his nightwear. He didn't even mind checking his hair, brushing was a far thing. He started his car and drove to their house. He called Jeongin to tell him the password. He quickly opened the door.

He saw Jeongin panicking and struggling to get up. He helped him to calm down. He gave him water and bought his files from his room before taking him to the hospital. He received a call from Seungmin on his way.

"Jagi where are you?" Younger asked worriedly since he couldn't find the elder anywhere in the house.

"Aiyo Yeobo you worry too much I am not a small kid. You see Jeongin had an emergency so I am taking him to the hospital."

"Okay. I am also coming." He booked a taxi since they had only one car.

Until it came he changed his clothes and brushed his teeth. He packed Minho's clothes and brush knowing the elder very well. He knew the hospital at which Jeongin was getting treatment.

On reaching the hospital Seungmin saw his husband sitting on a bench in his nightwear and messy hairs. Let's not forget the cat slippers. He looked so cute to be honest that he wanted to keep him in his pocket. He went near him and handed him the packet.

"I don't want anyone to know how cute my husband looks in nightwear so go and change. Also brush your teeth and make your hair, it looks so messy." Younger teased his husband.

Minho took that packet from him.

"I am going. You wait for the doctor." He gave a quick kiss on his lips before going making Seungmin glare at him for kissing him without brushing.

"Where is that cute guy who came with the patient?" The doctor asked Seungmin receiving a 'bombastic side-eye' from him.

"He is my husband." Seungmin replied.

"Don't be jealous. I just wanted to update him about the patient's health. Also, I am loyal to my wife." The doctor flipped his non-existing long hair.

"Whatever. Tell me about Jeongin now."

"He is in a critical condition. We need to operate him right now." Doctor replied.

"Can you wait? We need to inform his husband first." Seungmin asked.

Till then Minho also came.

"What happened?" He asked being confused.

"He is saying he needs to operate Jeongin right now."

Minho dialed Changbin's number hearing that.

"Yaa come to the hospital as fast as you can. They need to operate Jeongin right now."

Changbin closed his laptop hearing that. He rushed outside followed by confused Han and Chan.

"He is coming. Wait for some time. Please." Minho requested.

"Okay but he needs to be quick." The doctor replied before going.

Both of them waited on a bench for Changbin.

"Minie is angry with you." Seungmin pouted at his husband while elder looked at him in awe as if he fell in love once again.

"Aigo. Why? What did I do now?" Minho pouted too.

"You came here looking so cute." Seungmin whined.

"I can't help it I was born cute." Minho replied and winked at his husband.

"How can you flirt 24/7?" Seungmin asked.

"That's a talent. Not everyone has it." He said flipping his hair sassily.

"Why am I still with you?" Younger fake complaint.

"Because you love me." The elder replied.

"You are right. I love you." The younger smiled.

"I love you too."

Minho was about to kiss Seungmin but the three came there.

"What happened to Jeonginie? Is he okay?" Changbin asked worriedly.

They discussed with the doctor and Jeongin was taken for operation. Hyunjin and Felix also came to the hospital after finding out about the youngest condition from Jisung. Jiwon was with Mrs. Han. Mr. Han passed away 4 months ago. Jisung and Hyunjin lived with her only.

Felix dropped Woosik at his in laws house before coming to the hospital. Soon the doctor came out after doing the operation.

"It's a good news. Both of them are healthy. The patient is resting and we need to keep the child under observation since he is early born."

After two weeks both of them were discharged. All of them were at Changbin and Jeongin's house. Minho and Seungmin were playing with Jeongsoon (Changbin And Jeongin's son).

"They like kids then why don't they have one?" Felix asked.

"Maybe they don't want to have one." Hyunjin shrugged.

"What if they have financial problems?" Changbin suggested.

3Racha earned enough to fulfill all of their needs and still save the money. The other three just worked because they wanted to. It was Minho and Seungmin who worked really hard and still earned less money together than any of the 3 Racha alone. But, they weren't facing any financial crises that they can't raise a child. It is not like they had some debts or something.

"Should we help them?" Jeongin suggested.

"It might be right. They don't even go to vacations with us. Remember when we went to France last year." Chan agreed.

"My brother is always like this. He never share his problem." Jisung became sad.

Whenever Felix, Hyunjin and Jeongin went for shopping they always asked Minho. His answer was always no. Once he did go with them but the things were too expensive. He could have bought the shirt he liked but he didn't.

"After what my mother did hyung is like this. He will never tell his problems to anyone." Felix too became sad.

They decided to help the two if they have any financial problems. They can afford to do so.

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