Chapter Twelve More Bowls And A Shaking Earth

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Early in the morning, two days later, Joseph received a phone call from Jerusalem. It was from Eleazar's relatives.

Joseph answered, "This is Joseph. I'm sorry. Do you need me to come to Jerusalem? I'll be there in a few hours. We can have the services here at Petra. I will arrange it. I will be there. Goodbye."

Joseph quickly found Eliyahu and told him that the authorities had executed Eleazar, and he had to return to the city to comfort the family.

"We will have the services here in a few days for our good friend and fellow laborer in the kingdom," Joseph told Eliyahu.

Eliyahu spoke, "I will prepare a few words for our dear departed brother. He was an inspiration to many of us."

The days passed quickly. Soon, the memorial service was held. The services were filled with people from around the country. Many mourners spoke well of Eleazar and expressed condolences to his widow and children.

One of the attendees said, "Eleazar always had a kind word, and he loved the Lord."

Another person added, "If not for Eleazar, I wouldn't be here tonight."

After the service was concluded and the family departed, Joesph and Eliyahu relaxed on some chairs in the back of the room.

Eliyahu spoke, "Let's pray."

They bowed their heads and began to pray.

Eliyahu began speaking softly, "Dear Father in Heaven, we thank you for giving Eleazar to us. Now that he has gone to you, we ask that you send another prophet like him."

Joseph joined in the prayer saying, "Please give wisdom to those who will replace Eleazar in our work. Give them strength and guidance as they travel this road we call life."

Finally, Eliyahu spoke again, "Thank you for bringing us together today in the name of Jesus Christ."

They continued to sit quietly, basking in the glow of God's love. Just then Joseph noticed that someone else had joined them in the back of the church. It was Elisha. Joseph remembered hearing that Elisha went to Jerusalem when Eleazar died, and it seemed as though he was waiting to speak with them.

Joseph spoke, "Hello, Elisha. What brings you here today?"

Elisha answered, "I wanted to tell you that the Lord has been speaking to my heart. He has been telling me that there is work to be done in my country, and we have lost a good man whom we can't replace, but ..I am available for ministry whenever you need me. I can take his place in Jericho."

Eliyahu quickly responded, "We, Joseph and I have noticed how you have participated and helped in many events and services. You have shown us promise. We will pray about it, but I can't see any reason why you can't head our work in Jericho. Do you have any thoughts, Joseph?"

Joseph answered, "Yes. If Elisha is willing to accept the responsibility, I think he should have the opportunity to take Eleazar's place."

With that, Elisha nodded his head and began to walk away. Before leaving, he turned around and said, "I'll be praying about it."

Once Elisha was gone, Eliyahu once again sat in silence for a moment, lost in thought. Then he stood up and stretched his arms overhead. Joseph joined him. They began to talk about what needed to be done to get the program up and running in Jericho. Joseph agreed to help Elisha organize the details and work out the logistics. They decided that Eliyahu would travel to Jericho and get the program underway before returning to Petra. They set up a time to meet in a couple of weeks to discuss progress.

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