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*Following a week*


Days are going by, but Charlie is missing her husband more than she realized. She sobs while speaking with him on the phone every day.

Leo is even checking in with her three times a day via video chats because she is missing him, Mrs.Joseph voiced concerns about her health, stating that since his departure, she has been missing breakfast and dinner more frequently, which is detrimental to their two priceless children.

Leo worries about her even though he knows she should not be under too much stress. He told his mother that he will be returning home shortly and that Charlie should not find out too soon because he wanted to surprise her.

Charlie says, "Mom, please...enough... I am full believe me," looking tired.

You would like chocolate cake and ice cream, my dear? Mrs. Joseph queries what instantly brightens Charlie's mood.

"I want it, mom..!!!" She gets to her feet beaming with joy.

Mrs. Joseph sighs, giving a "your craving darling, you will have enough space for them right?" look before walking away. Charlie laughs as she asks.

I think we are out of ice cream; I am not sure who is stealing so many boxes since I bought it. Alright, sit and enjoy this fruit. I will be back with the ice cream. claiming that she entered while Charlie was giggling mischievously because she was the one who stole, something Mrs. Joseph was quite certain of.

"Hey, Vadina." Leena smiled as she walked toward her.

"Hey sweetie, morning." With a smile, Charlie took her hand and sat her down next to the couch.

My dear, would you like ice cream and chocolate cake? Charlie signed to proceed as Leena spoke.

"Leo called John this morning, and he is heading to Singapore. Since he can handle a few days away, he might return home."

"Is that true?!" Was he really going home? when...?, say Leena...? ". Curiously, she shakes her arms in front of her and asks.

"Ah, ah, wait, vadina, please do not kill me, I am getting nauseous. Stop." With a sigh, she clasps her hands.

"He should have called me," Charlie says, laughing and stopping to shake her. Why did not he pick up the phone or come to me?" sadly pouts.

"No, Vadina, I can not see you sad. He wanted to surprise you, but I spilled because I am a loose tongue." Says, melting Charlie's heart.

"Oh Leena, you are such a sweetie, I love you dear," Charlie nods. Wiping at fake tears, she snifs.

Leena chuckles, "Okay, okay, I wanted to go out, want to joi—-

"I am in, baby!." Before Leena could finish her endearing raise of her hand, someone shouted.

Kay: "Come on, let us get ready."

"No, Charlie will not be leaving."

As they make their way to Leena's room, a voice interrupts, stops, frowns, and turns around.

"Why, Mom?" is the question. Leena inquires as she sees Mrs. Joseph folding her hands to look at them.

"Because she is not allowed to leave the house unless it is for a checkup, and Leo is not home; he would be furious if he found out."

"I will take care of her, but I am going with her mom as well.

"Who said you were going to...?"

"Mum! Could you please?"

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