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Author P.O.V

The sound of crying of a newborn baby can be heard from the distance. The source of the sound comes from within the cave. The baby keeps on crying in the arms of their parents.

"A baby girl..." the husband said, holding the baby gently in his arms. He turns his head to look at the woman. "You know what this means. Right?" He said. The woman just looks down in silence.

"Do we really have to do this?" She said, turning to her husband with a sad expression. The husband just give her a solemn stare. "She's still so young. It would be so cruel for her, F/N" she said. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"We have no choice, honey..." he said, placing a hand on her head. She outstretch her arms, wanting to hold her daughter. F/N gently places the baby in her arms. She stare at the baby as the little one blinks her eyes.

"You're such a precious child... I'm so sorry. One day, you will understand" she said. She places a soft kiss on her baby's forehead. The baby yawned softly as she close her eyes, slowly falling asleep. M/N chokes out a sob as she cradled the baby in her arms. "I'm sorry..." she cried out.

F/N's eyes starts to well up in tears as he starts to cry as well. "Let's raise her well until the time comes, okay?" He said, placing a hand on his wife's forehead who only nod her head at what her husband said.

6 Years Later

"Daddy!! I'm coming for you, daddy!" Little Y/N yelled out as she chases after her father. She let one a gleeful laugh as she tries to catch her father. She jumps on her father and latches onto his leg, sending him falling on the ground. She let out a giggle and climb to sit on his back. "Gotcha!" She said.

Her father turn to the side, making her fall of his back. "You've gotten so fast, sweetie!" He said, as he starts to tickle Y/N. Y/N burst out laughing as she squirms while trying to get her father to stop his action.

"F/N! Y/N! Come inside! It's time for dinner! And F/N! Stop torturing the poor child!" A voice said. F/N finally stops tickling Y/N. She turn her head to see it's her mom. She grins as she stands up, rushing towards her mom. She lift her arms up, wanting to be picked up. Her mom give her a soft smile as she gently picks her up.


M/N had just put Y/N to sleep. She stare at the girl with a sad expression. She hears a gentle knock on the door. She turn around to see her husband.

"It's time... she's turning 7 tomorrow" he said. M/N bit her lips as her husband walks up to her. He leans down, gently pick up the little girl in his arms. He turns around to walk away, when he feels a gentle tuck on the back of his shirt. He turns around to see M/N.

"C-Can't we k-keep her for a-another year?" She said. F/N let out a sigh. He turn his body to face her. "She's still too young, F/N..." she said, while crying silently as she didn't want Y/N to wake up.

"We have no choice. If we keep on prolonging it... it's going to be a lot harder, M/N. Forgive me..." he said. M/N slowly removes her grip from his shirt. She stands up and stare at Y/N who's sound asleep.

"I hope you can forgive us, Y/N. I hope someday, you'd be able to find us again. And when you do... we promise we'd explain everything to you, honey" she said. She wipe her tears as she places a kiss on her daughter's cheek. She moves in her sleep, but didn't wake up.


Under a large tree on top of the hill laid Y/N who's still asleep. The soft breeze of the wind gently blows her soft h/c hair. She roll to her side and suddenly sneezes which wakes her up in the process.

"Mommy? Daddy?" She said, looking around her. But her surrounding is something she didn't recognize. Her eyes starts to get blurry as she starts to cry. "Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?? P-P-Please... I-I'm s-scared. I wanna go home..." she cried out.

The sound of rustling caught her attention. She moves her hands from her face and notices the tree in front of her moving. Her eyes widen when a giant humanoid being appear in front of her. She had heard stories of them, so she knows what they are.

"A t-titan..." she stuttered out as she starts to feel scared. She backs away in fear until her back is pressed against the tree. "P-Please d-don't eat m-me..." she cried out. The titan tilt its head as it eyed her. She let out a shaky breath as the titan starts to walk towards her. She closes her eyes tightly as she fears for the worst.

She feels a strong air blowing harshly on her hair. But nothing happens. She slowly open her eyes as she turn her head forward to see the titan is crouching down in front of her.

She just stares at the titan who only stares at her without doing anything. She hesitantly stands up as she lift her hand. The titan lower its head even more, allowing Y/N to gently brush her hand through the titan's hair. A smile starts to form on her lips as she realize the titan isn't as harmful as she thought it would be.

The titan places its hands in front of it. Y/N stares at the titan in front of her in confusion. The titan lift its head to look at her. "S-Sit..." it said, making Y/N's eyes widen. She didn't expect the titan to utter a word. "H-Hurry... n-not s-s-safe" it said again.

And since then, Y/N have been living outside the wall with the titan that's always been there for her. She even started calling the titan 'Onii-Chan' because it behave like a brother to her, loving and protective. But one thing has always been circling in her mind.

Why was she abandoned?

*to be continued*

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