Chapter 1

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"Styles, we need you to kill Harris Johnson's daughter."

"Will do."


Erica's P.O.V.

It's interesting to see what goes on inside other people's minds. Their deep feelings expressed in different ways; sometimes you have to be quick to catch those hints of personal emotion in the actions of a human. Most people focus on the verbal actions of a person, but I tend to pick up on the physical actions. Not necessarily actions they make with their bodies, but what they put down on paper. Like art.

Art has always been a personal aspect in my life. I use it to express what's in my mind, but if an ordinary person looked at it, they wouldn't understand. They would just think of it as, well, just art. I can tell so much about a person through their artwork by picking up on what their personality is like. Then I look at what their artwork's like and I try to connect the dots between the two. I picked up on art as a stress reliever when I was younger. Most people would say I have a good life, living in a nice home with well payed parents, always having nice clothes and things. But they don't know half of it. I'm never allowed to do normal things that I'd like to do. I'm always being protected since my father's head of MI6, but nobody knows that. People around town know he works with the government, but not exactly what he does within the government.

"Erica," There's a soft knock at the door as my father's head pops in. I quickly close my sketch book and cram it under papers and books stacked up at the edge of my desk. I turn my swivel chair so that I'm facing my dad, my full attention on him as I wait for him to continue speaking. "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

He opens the door fully and leans up against the door frame. "I was wondering if you could play guitar for the banquet next week, if that's not too much to ask?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I say, nodding my head as my father stands up straight and walks over to me. He bends down and kisses me on the head.

"Thanks, you're the best." He says while turning to walk out of my room.

"I know." I reply, squinting my eyes. He closes my door and I turn back to my desk, pulling out my book and continuing on finishing my sketch.

I glance over to my digital clock sitting on my side table and close my sketch book, putting it carefully in one of my drawers. Striding into my bathroom, I put my hair up into a pony tail and wash my face, rubbing off all the dirt and oil from today's hard work. Changing out of my jeans and top, I put something more comfortable on. I pull leggings up over my waist and a t-shirt over my head, then step out of my room and make my way down to the kitchen.

I hear my parents quietly talking in the study so I stop outside the room, sitting down behind wall to listen.

"I'm worried, though."

"I know, I am too. TEI has recently been sending threats and trying to take us down but we are stronger and more powerful than them, for now at least."

"I just don't want anyone getting hurt, that's all."

"I know, and everything is safe for now."

TEI. I have no clue what that is. Probably something to do with my dad's work that I have no intentions on finding out about, but I still am a little curious. I don't waste my time, though, and walk away.

I finally make it into the kitchen, getting a plastic cup down from the cabinets and filling it up with ice water from the fridge.

"Oh hey, I didn't hear you come downstairs. I'm about to head off to bed." My mum says walking into the kitchen.

"I'm about to head up to bed too, I was just getting a cup of water before going to sleep." I say, pulling the cup away from the water dispenser. My mum pulls me into her side and kisses the top of my head.

"Good night, hunny."

"Good night, mum."

I follow her out of the kitchen until I make a turn, running up the stairs back to my room. I take a sip of my water then set it on my bed-side table before folding the covers down and getting into bed.

I'll find out what TEI is soon.


"Thank you, have a nice day." I acknowledge the woman who made my coffee as I walk out, the sound of the bell ringing as the door closes behind me. I stop on the sidewalk, using my free hand to rummage through my purse to get my phone out. I check my texts and missed call before getting inside my car and driving back home. I pull up to the gates and enter the pass code, then drive up the cobble driveway into my spot I usually park in. Stepping out of the car, I hurry up the sidewalk and through the side door into the kitchen. I carry myself upstairs into my room and throw my purse down, pulling my laptop out and sitting cross legged on my bed. I pull up Google and type in the search bar  "TEI." 

Random pages pop up and I'm not sure which to click on. I go to the bottom of the page and click on one of the links. A black page with white writing comes up onto my screen and explains how TEI is an organization, but that's it.

I search for about half an hour, but all I find out is that TEI is a secret organization based in England that no one really knows any information on except for people who have a high position in the government, like my dad. All information about what TEI is or what they do is confidential and within MI6's files.

So pretty much, I have to find out through my dad. Somehow, I have to sneak into his office, but at a time when no one's around or when they're distracted by something, and the perfect place to do that is at the banquet.


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- Samantha 

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