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As the Uber driver pulled up around my block, I noticed three SUVs packed on the driveway of my father's house, which was odd because his friends weren't the wealthy type– my thoughts were interrupted by the driver's voice

"We're here, miss," he spoke. As he got out to help me with my luggage, all I did was exit the car and stare at my old house. I used to be at home here once. I thought. "Here you go," he said, helping me with the luggage up the front door
"I'll take my leave now," he said

"Thank you very much," I said, giving him a huge smile, not even anticipating that that was the last genuine smile I'd have to master in a while.

As I turned towards the front door again, I rang the doorbell before opening it. I mean, I lived here, so there was no use waiting. As I dragged the suitcases into the living too focused on the wheel of the damn thing as it got stuck on the small step, I failed to notice four grown men standing by the kitchen looking directly at me

And when I was finally able to remove it, I looked up towards the living, then the kitchen to— wait a minute. I paused, looking directly at them. Before I could even stop myself, the words just flew out of my mouth. "Who are you?" I questioned with a tilt of my head

"Is she the one?" One of them asked

"I think so," the one next to him answered

There was an awkward silence before my sperm donor's voice rang throughout the house. "There's my little girl. All grown up and beautiful just like your mother" I fucking hate you

"Hi Papa it's been a while," I said Conjuring the biggest bittersweet smile as I resisted the sudden urge to stab him with the nearest kitchen knight within reach. Yeah my intrusive thoughts are dark so instead of that I offered him a side hug which anyone could notice was forced. "and who are these friends of yours " I questioned

"Gentlemen this is my daughter, Marcella"

"Michelle" I corrected

From my side, I could tell I had annoyed him but I couldn't give two shits. Call me a bad person but I loved making him frustrated. Even if half the time, I would end up crying on the floor

"Where are my manners? I should introduce you. Michelle these are good business associates of mine" he said as he pushed me forward toward them "This is Alessandro Hamilton" he said to the one who looked intimidating the most. He stood at about 6,2 with broad shoulders. One look at him and you could tell he worked out. He was very handsome with a sharp jawline and a light stubble growing but even his looks couldn't justify how scary he looked. Like he would rip me in half if I moved.

"Ahh.. hi I'm g-guessing you already know my name" he just gave nodded and before Father Dearest could introduce the rest of them 'Alessandro' spoke

"We Don't have time for this Elijah so get it over with,"

And to my amusement for the first time EVER in my eyes, he looked nervous and he radiated fear. 'Glad to know he isn't immune to emotions' my subconscious spoke

All he did was clear his throat as he turned to face me "You and I need to talk"

"Is it about Grandma?" I asked


"Then I'm not interested"

Despite my protest, he still dragged me to the closest room he could find, which was my old playroom

Fun fact the playroom was the first place where I got my very first slap. Interesting, isn't it?

"You little brat," he said as his hold on my wrist tightened. Even though I was fully capable of defending myself against him, I couldn't because a part of me still knew I was scared of him.

His hold on my wrist was replaced by the neck as he choked me. I was sure it was gonna live a mark.
Sometimes, I was grateful. My mother was black because some of the bruises were easy to hide thanks to my dark skin

When his grip loosened I collapsed on the floor gasping for oxygen

"Still as pathetic as always I swear all the women in my life are nothing but baggage. Which is why I've decided to get rid of you and pass you on to someone else."

"W-what does that mean?" I managed to choke out

"There has been an unfortunate turn of events that cost me a lot of money, and now I'm in debt." When he saw I wasn't gonna say anything, he continued  

"As a way of showing contribution, I offered another means of payment temporarily, though."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I'm selling you," he stated.

And everything after that statement just started moving to first to comprehend As the door barged open, two of the other guys from the kitchen started stalking towards me on the floor

"What the fuc—"

As everything started to click in place it was too late because one of them had already tied my hands and the other held I white cloth to my nose. I wasn't that naive I knew what that was so I struggled against them and held my breath. After a few seconds I ran out of breath so I had to inhale but I instantly regretted it because the world around me started fading as I struggled to keep my eyes open the last thing I saw was Elijah smirk down at me

'Fuck him'

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