We're Survivors, Not Friends

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"Wh.. what do you mean?"

Book plumply looked up at Golf Ball, doubt and mistrust being planted on the ball's face. She squinted menacingly down at Book, a feeling of contempt frustration radiating from her. "I mean exactly what I said Book. Talk. Now."

Golf Ball continued to look down at her judgingly as Book struggled to figure out what she meant. Talk? About what? She wanted to ask Golf Ball again what she meant, but she had a feeling that Golf Ball would not respond nicely to her question. So instead Book tried to figure out what she meant on her own. If she was asking her to talk, then she must be confused about something. Judging on how she doesn't look too injured, other than the crack on the side of her face, is it something about how injured Book is? But what about it? How she survived? How she got her injuries?

"..If you are talking about how I survived the.. corruption which happened earlier this morning then I can tell you.." Golf Ball just nodded aggressively at Book, like her command had made perfect sense and Book was dumb for not figuring out what she meant until now. This nearly made Book smile, but the joy quickly faded as she remembered what happened earlier.

"I guess I'll start at the beginning.."


Book stretched as soon as she left the hotel, smiling a little after seeing the sun. She quickly looked away though, knowing the after effects of looking at it for too long. With nothing urgent being on her schedule, Book felt a little hesitant to go anywhere. She felt fine just enjoying the early morning before Two's announcement about the next challenge. She sat down next to the hotel, yawning a little before realizing that someone was walking up to her.

"Oh, hey Price Tag!"

"Hi Book!" Price Tag ran over to the hotel's wall and slid along it until they were sitting right next to Book, waiting until they were settled to talk again. "This may be a random question, but.. do you think we're allowed to visit the eliminated contestants?"

Book glanced over at Price Tag who was staring absently at the sky, their eyes being closed scrunched a little presumably due to the morning sun. "I mean.. probably. Two never said that we couldn't see them, and we all stay in the same hotel after all." Book clicked her tongue as she finished saying her thoughts. She then looked back over at Price Tag who was now looking at the ground. "May I ask why your asking?"

"Oh.. well I just miss some of the people who are gone you know? Pie always had something smart and clever to say, Saw always got a smile out of people, Remote was always nice to everyone, and Naily.." Price Tag droned off, leaving Book to have to continue their thoughts.

"..Naily what?"

Price tag shifted a little to face away from Book, a small smile growing on her face. "Well, Naily was the first person I ever really connected with. I didn't get along well with most of the others in the hotel, they thought I was annoying.. Now, don't get me wrong you've all made me feel valued, but Naily was first and I just feel like we connected the best." Book smiled at Price Tag's words, before slowly getting up. Price Tag saw this and quickly became confused. "Book? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to ask Two now if you can see Naily. I'm sure they'll say yes so there's no reason to delay asking." Price Tag got up and slowly walked over to join Book, who had started walking over to the front of the hotel. They seemed hesitant about the idea. "Are you sure about this? What if they say no?" Book chuckled a bit before replying again. "I don't see a real reason at to why they would say no, and I'm sure we could convince them even if they did say no."

"And besides, your my friend Price Tag, and what kind of friend doesn't help their friends when they need help?" Price Tag and Book both looked at each other and smiled a little. As they got closer they saw the doors close as someone quickly rushed out of them, but thought nothing of it as they went to reenter the hotel.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now