Chapter one- part one

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This is your outfit

Maddie gets out of the car taking the driver and walks toward the locked in house

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Maddie gets out of the car taking the driver and walks toward the locked in house.
'' wait I'm so confused were the door''
''Oh found it, why it like that''
Maddie walks down the hall when a blonde girl spots her. '' hi I'm maddie'' ''kaci'' they say while hugging. Kaci then shout for everyone else to come here. 'Hi I'm maddie'' 'danny' he spoke while giving her a hug. This then repeated
With George, madem Joyce. Maddie when put her stuff in the room.

Danny pov:
'So what do u think about her' I said
'She gorgeous' Joyce said while kaci nodded in agreement. 'She seems fun yh I like her' george said. 'Yh me to' I said
                 End of Danny's povs

Maddie walked  back in 5 minutes later
''So when do u think every one else is going to get here'' maddie said. 'I have no clue' Joyce replies.
" maddie fox to the storge room"
Maddie got up and walked to the room

"Hi maddie are you okay"
"Hi I'm good thanks how are you"
"I'm good thank you, how are u liking your stay so far"
"Yh I'm enjoying it so far, everyone really nice and I'm excited to everyone else"
"That's good"
"Yh, by sugar"
"Bye maddie"

It's now about and hour later and everyone else has arrived.

All the girls were sat inside while the boy sat outside have there own discussion in the group.
"So what do you do maddie" tenensse said "I'm a runway model" "really, thought you might be cause your stunning" "thank you, your stunning aswell". All of a sudden the was aloud noise in the living room on the screen.
"Boy we got a message" Shannon said
All boy came running in and danny sat next to maddie.

Maddies pov:
Danny came and sat next to me and idk why but I got butterfly's. Do I have a crush? No. Oh go I do? No you don't snap out of it. She thought she then go snapped out her thought when everyone was shouting and screaming.

                End of maddies povs

"Hello housemates, welcome to locked in house.But don't get to comfortable. This series is going to be a little different.I've tightened the rules and I'm going to keep a close eye on you all.This is not a holiday. This is locked in. This year your going to split in to
Split into teams. And be competing prize or punishment.

ATHOURS NOTE: I will be finish part two to this episode tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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