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A woman was walking in corridor her steps were heavy her heart was beating fast she entered a room which was dark there was not even a little sign of light she switched on the light and saw a woman looking outside the window " so he disappear as you said " do-hyun who entered said in her crack voice but she only received silence from other side she looked down and left from there

Deity : I hope you stay happy wherever you are soohyuk

One month later

It was drizzling in the middle of day a girl stopped her car and step out on the familiar road she could still see clearly how he comfort her that day she looked down a tear fell down from her eyes its been a month but she couldn't forget him not his voice his warmness his care everything was still same except him suddenly she hear a voice from behind " still walking without umbrella" her heart stop beating for a moment she felt like she is having hallucination she turn around and saw him standing Infront of her eyes she couldn't believe it

It was drizzling in the middle of day a girl stopped her car and step out on the familiar road she could still see clearly how he comfort her that day she looked down a tear fell down from her eyes its been a month but she couldn't forget him not ...

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"Soohyuk?" She was just questioning herself if he is really here or just her dream " still doubt it's me "? He said looking at her shocking expression she didn't took a time and run to him and hugged him tightly he smiled and hugged her back

Y/n : I thought I won't be able to see you ever again how can you leave me like this

Soohyuk : I'm sorry

She broke the hug and cupped his face " you know how much I miss you " she brought her face near him and press her lips on his he closed his eyes all this time he missed her so badly that he can't even express he grab her waist and pulled her in deep kiss that kiss was clearly showing how much they miss each other


Soohyuk opened his eyes only to find himself in a bright place there was bright light everyone he saw deity standing in some distance ", finally you wake up " he was confused with his surroundings " how" ? He said finally breaking silence

Deity: I know you are confused that how u end up here well you finally broke the curse between you both

Soohyuk: am supposed to disappear for forever from every world than how I'm here

Deity : you remember you got that Curse because she kill herself for you but now you saved her means you free her from that curse now you both are free and can live without that curse Lee soohyuk you changed both of your fate your cursed love is not cursed anymore now you can live with her as a normal person

He was shocked but most importantly happy at the same time that finally he can live with her without any problem


He broke the kiss and said looking in her eyes " I love you , I will love you today , tomorrow every day in my every life while making sure our love always stay with us I will find you in our every life just wait for me I don't care even it's cursed it's still our love " she smiled " I love you too

Time skip ...
( new start)

A girl fell down while touching her knee it was bleeding she was sitting there when someone extend his hand to help her she looked up and saw a boy

A girl fell down while touching her knee it was bleeding she was sitting there when  someone extend his hand to help her she looked up and saw a boy

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Soohyuk: you need help ?

Y/n : ig yes

He helped her and take her to school dispensary yes they both are high school students he helped her to sit and grab the medicine and applied on her wound and after that he did bandage all this time she was just staring his pretty features after he done he was about to go when she stopped him " wait" he turned around

Y/n : thank you for your help

Soohyuk: its okay

Y/n : as you helped Me how about we become friends so hey my name is Choi y/n -she show her hand for handshake

Soohyuk: I'm Lee soohyuk

They both shake their hands while she was smiling and he was just looking in her eyes

Even tho their love was Cursed still it was their love he tried his best to save her while she tried her best to stay with him in her every life she waited for him and in the end she got him in her next life too if you're meant to be together than not even a curse can stop you , you will eventually end up together....

Even tho their love was Cursed still it was their love he tried his best to save her while she tried her best to stay with him in her every life she waited for him and in the end she got him in her next life too if you're meant to be together than...

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The end

I hope you liked this story ....

If you need it's second season lemme know thank you for watching

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