Spin the Bottle

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The FANART! Also credit goes to the person who made it. If I do not say personally I made it, then give credit to the creators.

You had been invited to Biana's sleepover a few hours ago and now that you were standing in front of Everglen's gates your heart was beating fast. You barely knew the others, the people you only knew were Tam, Linh, Sophie and Dex. If Sophie hadn't convinced you you wouldn't be here.

You took a quick breather and when the gates opened you nervously walked in. You knocked on the doors, and Linh opened it. 

She greeted you cheerfully and you walked into a scene of chaos. Keefe was playing with Dex while the rest of the girls were watching, Fitz was sitting next to them trying not to laugh.

You quickly went upstairs avoiding a stray pillow along the way. As you unpacked your belongings, you heard a quiet cough and looked up to see Tam. You greet him nervously and he smiles and sits next to you as you two begin to chat.

A moment later, Keefe came running up the stairs and barged into the room like the house was on fire. He laughed at Tam's face and at your blushing face. 

He announced that you will be playing Spin the Bottle and before he could hear your protests, he jumped up and left, leaving you with only a few stutters.

Tam smiled and offered to help you up, an offer you took blushing. The two of you went downstairs and sat down in a circle with the others. You sat down in between Tam and Dex. The rules were, if they were siblings not kissing, and/or if we all know they have beef with each other. 

You nervously look around as the game started, Dex ended up kissing Biana and Fitz ended up kissing Marella. Soon enough it was your turn. You held the cold, glass bottle in your hand and spun it. Unbeknownst you, a certain silver eyed boy was hoping it would land on him.

You spun it, around, around it went, until it finally slowed down on........


When you saw it had landed on your friend, your cheeks began heating up and you looked nervously at him. You didn't see his true emotions, just a mask, concealing what he truly felt. Keefe was snickering and started to chant:

Kiss, kiss, kiss!

Making you start to panic whether or not Tam would actually do it. To everyone suprise, especially yours, he leaned in and gave a short but sweet kiss on your lips, making both you and him turn bright pink. After the party was over, you avoided Tam until it was time to go home. 

To your surprise, Tam was waiting there for you and with a small blush, he asked if you would like to go out with him sometimes. You started to feel your face heat up and nodded shyly, making him joyful on the inside.

Hello readers! Just wanted to ask:

Should I add more dialogue in these stories? Because I realize I don't put too much in the chapters, so let me know!

Have a good day/night and enjoy reading!

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