Chapter 6

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            Lukas' arms were crossed over his chest as he stood outside of Alpha Ryan's house with Ryleigh. They had arrived in the States just yesterday, but Lukas advised Ryleigh of the urgency of meeting with Ryan before proceeding with any hunting. We are foreigners on his land, in his territory. Lukas remembered how defensive he was when Kristopher had shown up unannounced, after Ryleigh went missing. Alphas do not like to be surprised, especially with uninvited guests. While they were Lycan, Lukas and Ryleigh belonged to an entirely different pack, let alone from an entirely different country. To not coordinate a meeting with Alpha Ryan would be incredibly disrespectful, and with the war that was coming, they needed to be allies, not enemies.

Grayson and Liam were settling into Infinity Matthews while Lukas and Ryleigh were away. As advertised, the building was three stories tall, and the roof had a clear view of the White House. The building was still rather abandoned, other than an office that was furnished with a bed. Awaiting her arrival. Lukas was still uneasy with Grayson and Liam, but Ryleigh trusted them. In a war with vampires, he was not as easy to trust two of them that wanted to fight with them, rather than against them. The only vampire that truly earned me trust and respect is dead, for the very reason that he earned it.

The front door of the house swung open, and Alpha Ryan's green eyes studied Lukas' blue ones. Ryan's blonde hair was slicked back to match the pair of black slacks and blue dress shirt that layered his body. Ryan shared Lukas' height, but Lukas' build was bigger. While Lukas' pack resided in the woods on the outskirts of Vancouver, Ryan's pack was nestled in the center of Washington DC. Ryan's pack did not need to develop the same strength and musculature that Lukas' had developed living in the woods. Lukas' wolf smirked silently as he knew that he was stronger than this Alpha.

"Thank you for agreeing to see us," Lukas said as he uncrossed his arms and extended his hand.

"It would be rather rude to decline such an invite since you extended the courtesy to tell me that you would be here," Ryan stated as he shook Lukas' hand. "You must be Ryleigh," Ryan nodded toward Ryleigh. "Lukas has told me about his mate."

Not all of it. "Might we come in? I do have some business to discuss with you that is rather confidential," Lukas said.

Ryan nodded and stepped aside to allow Lukas and Ryleigh to enter the home. Lukas motioned Ryleigh to enter before him. Her crimson hair had been pulled into a tight ponytail and she wore a green shirt with a pair of jeans. Lukas restrained himself from touching her as she walked by. Alphas do not display affection in front of other Alphas, let alone in front of other packs. To Lukas' pack, affection is expected and appreciated, but in another Alpha's home, it is bordering disrespectful to do so. Ryleigh turned into the living room and stood beside a couch with her arms crossed over her chest. Ryan motioned for them both to sit as he did, but only Lukas sat as Ryleigh remained standing.

"Are you sure you'd rather not sit? A pregnant Luna should rest as much as possible," Ryan said softly.

"I'm fine," Ryleigh responded tightly. "I'm not that far along."

"Far enough for me to smell it. Is that a problem?" Ryan asked, his confused gaze fixated on Lukas.

"I wish I could say that it wasn't," Lukas said. "But with a vampiric war coming, and her fighting in it, it poses quite the dilemma."

"Why would you even entertain your pregnant Luna fighting in a war against vampires?" Ryan growled darkly. "That is your heir, Lukas."

"Don't condescend him," Ryleigh stated before Lukas could speak. "You know nothing of what or who I am."

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