Chapter 2: It sure looks like a government building

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*Isma POV*

"Who were you talking to?"

Anakin was certainly startled and turned towards the doorway of the spacecraft quickly, a slight blush creeping up his neck.

"I thought you were packing?"

"Not much to pack. But you didn't answer my question. Who were you talking to?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It was definitely a girl, right? I thought Jedi weren't allowed to have girlfriends."

"She's not my girlfriend."


It was definitely his girlfriend. I have boys that I'm friends with, (kinda, at least) and when my mom asks about them, I know for a fact that I don't blush like Mr. "I don't have a girlfriend" did. I wonder if anyone else knows about her. They must since this guy is clearly a terrible secret keeper. He was giving me a weird look, I wonder what that was about.

Anyway, I began to explore the craft that looks very small on the outside but is actually huge on the inside. I found a room that looked like I wasn't supposed to be in there, so I walked in. Inside was the most amount of guns I have ever seen. They lined the walls, each on their very own shelf. There were these ones that looked like slingshots that I have only ever seen a Wookie carry when they walk through the trader's post. How did Anakin have them? There were also normal blasters that random guys in armor always had. There were also more laser swords, sorry, light sabers, but they looked extremely broken. They sat in a bin in the corner of the room that was labeled "BROKEN." Guess I was right about them being broken. How could this guy have possibly broken this many light sabers to be beyond repair? It was absurd.

After leaving the strange weapon room, I walked into the next one. WHile I was still in the hall, I could hear Anakin talking to someone. This time, it was a male voice. The voice spoke strangely. He was saying things like, "Meet her first, I must." I got a weird feeling that he was talking about me. Ignoring that, I went into what looked like a bedroom. Immediately, I turned around. I doubt anything interesting was in there. Last room in this hallway, here we go. It was... extremely disappointing. It was literally storage. Just boxes and crates. Nothing interesting. At all. I should head back to Anakin. We were probably going to leave soon.

*Anakin's POV*

How could she possibly tell I was in a relationship just from asking two questions? No one at the Temple knew. I was sure of it. Not even Obi-Wan. And all of them had seen me interact with Padme countless times. This girl caught the tail end of a conversation and somehow figured it out. I realized that I was staring at her, so I turned away. I could hear her walking down the hall, presumably to explore. There wasn't anything that was too dangerous, so I wasn't worried. I mean, why would I be? I barely know the girl, it's not like I care for her. I just want to get her trained. And reach her full potential. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, now that she was somewhat distracted, I realized I should probably inform the council of my plans. As I waited for the call to go through, I pondered more on the thought of what would happen if people found out about Padme and I. Would I be kicked out? Probably. But what would happen to her? Would she be kicked out of the Senate? But it's not her fault. What if she-

"Anakin? What is it you wanted to tell us?

I already forgot about the call.

"Master Windu, is Master Yoda around? I must speak to him."

"Yes, you called the entire council. We're in the meeting room right now."

"Oh, yeah, of course. Ok, so while I was on Tatooine, I felt this strong presence. Upon further inspection, I found a young girl. I believe that she could also be part of the prophecy. Could I possibly bring her back to the Temple?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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