Trans Carlos

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TK had just gotten off shift and was coming to bed to curl up next to Carlos but when he pulled the comforter back, he saw blood on the sheets under Carlos.

"Babe," he shook Carlos's shoulder. He brushed Carlos's hair back with his hand to rouse him awake. "Carlos, you need to wake up."

"What is it?" Carlos groaned.

"Babe, do you feel okay?" TK asked checking his vitals.

"I feel fine."

"Your Vitals are normal, but babe you're bleeding from something,"

That woke Carlos up, he looked down and saw the red blood that stained their sheets. Fuck Fuck Fuck. He wasn't ready to have this conversation with TK. They had only been going out for a few months and TK had been accepting of the fact that Carlos was Trans but in his experience that was true for the men he dated in the past until they had to deal with the realities of what him being trans actually meant.

Like him getting a random period even after several years on testosterone.

TK noticed Carlos breathing quickened and saw his shoulders tense. He put his hand on Carlos's shoulder, and he flinched which broke TKs heart.

Carlos immediately apologized "I'm sorry, TK. It's not you, just please don't touch me right now."

"It's okay. Carlos, I'm here for you. What can I do?"

Carlos's voice came out strained like he was trying not to cry "Can you please just give me some time alone. I'm not injured. This happens sometimes with trans guys."

Oh, TK thought he was so stupid he had read that trans guys sometimes have their period return even if they have been on T for years.  Of course, he remembered that Carlos was trans, but he didn't really think about it that much until something like this reminded him of it. Because when he looked at Carlos, he just saw the man he loved. But he didn't think that would be helpful right now to say since it didn't change the dysphoria and discomfort that Carlos must be feeling right now.

He had to resist the urge to hug Carlos and wipe his tears because he had asked not to be touched. So, he just got up from the bed. Put his hands in his pockets and said "Of course. I'll be downstairs, uh let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, I'm sorry I know you're probably exhausted.  This won't take long and then you can come back to bed."

TK smiled in what he hoped was an encouraging way "Babe, it's okay,"

Carlos just nodded so TK left the room, closing the door behind him and headed to the kitchen to make some tea. Carlos got up and stripped the bed and then put a fresh set of sheets on the bed. Thankfully it seemed to have just got on the sheets and not their comforter.

Now he was in the bathroom just leaning against the bathroom sink panicking. He knew that this happened to some trans men, but he just hoped he wouldn't be one of them. He hadn't had to deal with this for years and he tried to think about wearing a tampon while at work and the thought filled him with dread.  And that thought brought hot tears to his eyes. He couldn't deal with this again. 

TK was sitting on the couch he had finished his tea and it had been about 45 mins since Carlos asked for some Alone Time and he hadn't heard anything from the bedroom, so he was starting to get worried, so he went up there to check on Carlos. He didn't see him in the bedroom, so he went to the bathroom.  The door was a jar. Carlos was sitting on the floor with his head in hands.

TK crouched next to him. "Baby," "Talk to me."

Carlos shook his head. But after a moment he said, "I can't do it again; this was the worst part of my dysphoria and now it's back and I can't" He leaned into TK.

TK shifted so Carlos was wrapped in his arms and was laying his head on TKs chest. "This, okay?" TK asked remembering how he had flinched earlier.

Carlos nodded. 

TK hugged him closer and rubbed his back. "We will figure this out."

Trans Carlos Where stories live. Discover now