001. Prefect Duties

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Chapter One
Prefect Duties

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It was hard to spot Dora Tonks, for her appearance changed every time she was seen, however her personality made her visible as can be.

Her younger sister, Cadence however, was more so the quieter one of the two. Unlike Dora, she would rather keep her thoughts to herself than to blurt it out and people would interpret it wrong.

Despite this, she was more so known for her athletic abilities, especially on the Quidditch pitch. Everyone knew without Cadence, Ravenclaw House's sport reputation would be in ruins. Even if there were more fiercer teams such as Slytherin and Gryffindor, their chaser saved them from having to surrender to years of torture.

Now heading into her fifth year, Quidditch seemed to have fallen in favour for the brunette. Her OWL exams were right around the corner ( they were towards the end of the year, but that meant the same thing ) and it felt as if he was Alice falling down the rabbit hole, except there was no Wonderland to end up in.

Not to mention she was suffocated with her new Prefect duties, alongside the insufferable Roger Davies, who also just so happened to become Quidditch Captain; a role Cadence desperately wanted.

Ever since joining the team in her second year at Hogwarts, her one and only passion was Quidditch, and she seemed a natural at it; though people deny the theory stating it's genetics, having both her parents being skilled players.

However, Davies had become captain and Cadence resulted in vice captain, a role that despite being thoroughly grateful for, it felt like acid and salt in the wound. It felt sour, and it felt sickly. It was discussed the year prior that Cadence should be the succeeding captain right after their previous captain, Brian Davies left school. And he agreed however, just by taking a look at his name, you could tell he was deceiving his teammates and rather made his brother his successor. Even though Roger lacked the same leadership skills as the Tonks girl.

It made her seethe her with rage, it made her blood boil until it was evaporating. How could he just lie to her face? But Cadence didn't argue. Cadence didn't fight back. She was too nice to do anything of the sort - too nice and too timid, so everyone thought giving her their sympathy was the best idea. Even though they thought deep down, Cadence didn't care.

As she entered the Prefect carriage she sighed in defeat. Though she was grateful for the role, she just couldn't put up with the jobs that came with it. She couldn't deal with over a hundred first years, and the other years, and the trouble they'd cause. As well as Davies. As well as the chaos caused by the other houses.

She rolled her eyes at the thought. What a blissful summer she had forgetting the other houses existed. Particularly the Slytherins, especially Hestia Malfoy. Merlin, she was possibly the most bitter and stuck up girl Cadence had ever encountered.

The Malfoys were known to be proud of their 'pure-blood' lineage and had a tending to look down on others below them. Hestia followed their act, specifically seeking Cadence as her target.

Ever since first year, the two were known to have a fierce rivalry, and it got even worse in second year, when both made the Quidditch team. Safe to say, their feud made the match even more entertaining.

And just as her thoughts came true, there sitting in the corner of the her view was the Malfoy girl herself. Her platinum blonde hair tied in a loose half up, half down hairstyle tied with a simple black band. She was also dressed in her Hogwarts robe, her posture straight and her head up in her typical proud manner.

Of course Hestia was a prefect. She was rich, and she was snobby, and she was arrogant. Not to mention she could get away with her, so long as her father was paying wheelbarrows to Dumbledore.

She took one look at the Tonks girl and huffed in pride, causing Cadence to roll her eyes at her pettiness. She really was too patient for this.

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Cadence just kept walking down the aisle of the train. Beginning her first duty as a prefect, she helped the new first year students calm their nerves as well as did her best to maintain the peace on the Hogwarts Express ( by peace she meant the Weasley twins' pranks ).

She opened a carriage, smiling a huge smile as her friends rushed to embrace her.

"You look so grown up now you're badge!" June Lennox teased playfully as the group of girls admired her smartly displayed badge, slightly attached lopsided to her robes.

"I still can't believe you didn't get quidditch captain though!" Madeline Anderson exclaimed in shock and she shuffled over, leaving a seat for Cadence, "Roger is such a dick!" The other four girls slightly giggled for Madeline's thick Scottish accent made her swearing quite amusing.

"I'll tolerate him . . . some way, I don't even know," Cadence chuckled, sighing in despair whilst doing so.

"You should have a word with him about that" Diana Lennox advises, she was always the logistical one of their group.

Cadence shakes her head, "I really can't be asked to deal with him," as her friends protest at her decision.

The Tonks girl stood up, "I better go, I have to patrol the train, wish me luck!" she says as they wave her off.

She made her way down to a particular aisle of the train where it was cold, icy. It was already heavily raining outside and perhaps someone left a window open.

But her thoughts were interrupted by a beam of light. It was whimsical, magical, she stared at it in awe for a few seconds before heading towards the source.

She walked past the carriage where she could see third years Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley going to the protection of the infamous Harry Potter.

In all honesty, Cadence had no issue with Harry, other than the bitterness that he won Gryffindor the Quidditch cup back in her third year, and how talented he was as a seeker.

There was also another figure in the carriage, an older man that handed Harry some chocolate. She stared at him in confusion; she was convinced she had seen his face somewhere before.

She brushed it off she shoulders as she kept walking down the train ignoring the mystery behind that man, he looked quite normal, perhaps she mistook him for someone she saw whilst walking down the streets.

Though he did look scarily familiar, she just couldn't put her finger on where she recognised him from.

*       *       *

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a / n.

do you wear wigs? no i have not
have you worn wigs? no i have not
will you wear wigs? maybe
when will you wear wigs?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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