Chapter Twelve

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It's been a little over two months since Aspen came into my life. She's absolutely perfect, but I'm completely drained. My boobs constantly leak due to breastfeeding, and I can't remember the last time I had a decent night's sleep. Landon and my family do their best to assist, but they all have their own responsibilities and commitments.

Days and nights blend together as I find myself consumed by the relentless tasks of soothing Aspen's cries, changing her dirty diapers, and tirelessly pumping milk. It's a daunting challenge to handle everything on my own, and it fills me with sadness to think that she may grow up without ever knowing her father. In fact, I may never even discover his identity myself. The weight of this uncertainty hangs heavy on my heart.

In the midst of changing a shitty diaper, my phone starts ringing incessantly. "Fuck. Hello?" I answer, juggling wiping Aspen's bottom and putting on a fresh diaper.

"Hey, I was thinking, would it be alright if your dad and I watched Aspen this weekend? I'll take Monday off so you can have a couple of days to yourself with Zoey," my mom's voice comes through on the other end.

"Really? I'm not sure about that... I'd have to pump enough milk for three days, and I haven't even been away from her for an hour yet," I reply, cradling Aspen in my arms as she becomes fussy. "I don't know if I can do it."

"Riles, you're exhausted. And I think you might be experiencing postpartum depression. Please, take a weekend for yourself. Your father is a skilled surgeon, and I was a nurse. Aspen will be in good hands," my mom persuades, her words resonating with truth. I haven't seen Zoey since she moved in with Nick and got engaged. It would do me good to spend some time with her.

"Okay. But you have to promise to text me every hour and FaceTime me every morning and night until I return," I finally concede, and my mom squeals with delight on the other end of the line.

After bidding our goodbyes, I gently place Aspen in her bassinet, her tiny form finally succumbing to sleep. Seizing the opportunity, I decide to steal a moment of self-care and head for a much-needed shower. It's been days, maybe even a week since I last indulged in this simple luxury due to sheer exhaustion.

The warm water cascading over my fatigued body brings a welcome respite, washing away the weariness. With diligent strokes, I cleanse myself with soap, rinsing off the accumulated stress. However, before I can even turn off the shower, Aspen's cries shatter the tranquility, dashing my hopes of a peaceful nap. Shit. Well, there goes my chance...

The upcoming days blur into a haze of sleep deprivation, as I push through exhaustion. After dropping off Aspen at my parents' place, I embark on a lengthy drive to LA to reunite with Zoey. It's late in the evening when I finally arrive, fueled by the energy of two Red Bulls. As I pull up to a colossal house that rivals the size of a hotel, boasting a driveway spacious enough for fifty cars, a sense of awe washes over me.

In the midst of my awe, Zoey emerges, her platinum locks cascading in the wind, and throws herself into my embrace, enveloping me in a tight hug. "I can't believe it's been so long since we last saw each other. I really need to come visit my niece soon, but I just need to find some time off work," she exclaims.

"It's alright," I assure her, reciprocating the hug. "Your hair has grown so long. Are you done with the short style?"

Just then, a suited man approaches us and swiftly takes hold of my bedding and suitcases. I raise an eyebrow, glancing at Zoey for an explanation.

"That's George, our butler. He's here to assist you with anything you may need," Zoey clarifies. "Oh, and by the way, Nick prefers my hair long now. He's working late tonight, but you should see him tomorrow evening when we head to the club."

As I step inside, the grand entrance takes my breath away with its twin staircases and various rooms and hallways branching off in every direction. This single room could easily accommodate the entirety of my parents' humble abode.

"Damn, this place is incredible!" I exclaim to Zoey, following her lead as the butler escorts us upstairs.

"Just wait until you see the room you'll be staying in. It's as spacious as my old apartment, complete with a luxurious bathroom featuring an enormous tub. It's so fancy!" Zoey's excitement radiates as she grabs my hands and guides me into a sprawling room adorned with a large bed, adorned with plush pillows and cozy blankets. It seems my own bedding will no longer be necessary.

"This feels like a freaking palace!" I remark, collapsing onto the bed, relishing its comfort.

"I know, right? I still can't believe I actually live here now. It's insane. I mean, I grew up in a trailer park, and just look at me now. All thanks to Nick," Zoey smiles, her thoughts drifting to her fiancé.

"I'm genuinely happy for you," I reply, stifling a yawn.

"Riley, love, you look like shit. Get some rest because tomorrow we're going shopping and hitting the clubs," she embraces me tightly before leaving me alone in the spacious room, with the most inviting bed I've ever encountered. With a contented sigh, I surrender to slumber, my dreams filled with images of my beloved daughter.

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