The Heirs Part 104

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Only read this part if you are caught up on The Heirs and have watched up to the "visit wattpad" slide on Part 104  of the story from Tik Tok, I mean, unless you're just feeling a spicy poly scene-- in which case, I don't blame you lol.  

The boys back you up to the bed, mischief in their eyes. "Is someone feeling needy?" Enzo whispers as he continues walking you back until you have no choice but to sit.

You can feel Theo come up behind you, and chills run down your spine as he moves his mouth to your neck. "Can't have you making a scene because we're leaving you horny, now can we?"

You watch as Mattheo pulls his shirt off and makes his way over to you, a hungry look on his face. 

"Oh, hell no. You bitches are about to suffer after what you put me through. Mattheo, I want to cash in on that prize now." You stand up, not letting them touch you. 

"You what?" Mattheo asks, amusement on his features. 

"Handcuffs, now. Don't make me ask again." He raises his eyebrows at the demand, but seeing you're serious he walks over to the dresser drawer he keeps his clothes in. He pulls them out and hands them to you, interest showing on his face. You lay them on your table and point your wand at them. 

"Gemino," you confidently say twice, multiplying them from one pair to three.

"Oh, fuck. What have we done?" Enzo says seeing your intention is to cuff them all down at one time. 

"Take your shirts off and get on the bed," you continue fully in control of the situation, an evil smile playing on your face. Theo seeing your expression, smiles wickedly, pulls his shirt off, and places his hands on the headboard of the bed waiting for you to cuff him. 

"Oh, you think you're going to enjoy this, Theo?" You walk over to him and straddle him as you handcuff him to the bed. He looks up at you, amusement on his face, and you kiss him deeply before moving over to where Enzo is sitting waiting on you. 

"I know I'm about to enjoy this."

"Are you scared, Enzo?" you whisper in his ear, as you kiss down his neck. He wraps his arms around you, his hands on your ass, and you slide his arms up, cuffing him to the bed like you had with Theo. 

"Terrified," he replies, as you kiss him. 

You move to Mattheo, straddling him the way you'd done the others. You can feel his bulge, as he's already turned on by the circumstance they'd found themselves in. "You asked for this, baby. You knew I would win," you tell him, as he looks at you in amusement. "What are you smiling at?" You reach over his head and cuff him to the bed, your breast in his face as you fasten them shut. 

"You're really fucking hot taking control like this," he replies, kissing your chest. 

"Is that so?" You finish cuffing him and then lean down to kiss him. He tries to keep it going, but you pull away leaving him stuck and wanting more. You get off the bed and smile seeing them all cuffed up. "Okay, I'll see you bitches tomorrow." You turn like you're going to leave the room.

"YN!" You heard Enzo say behind you. You turn to see their horrified looks and start laughing. 

"I'm kidding. You really think I'd leave you locked up in here?"

"Considering you used incarcerous on me and left me locked in a bathroom for an hour, yes I do," Theo replied quickly, alarm still evident on his features. 

"Where's the fun in that?" You walk back over to them and slide your shirt over your head. Alarm quickly turns to lust as they watch you strip all of your clothes off. They continue to watch as you climb on the bed with them, their eyes on your body.

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