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By:Teyanna Guizzotti

Fade in: (Addison.) Getting into the car and putting camera gear next to her. She turns her phone goes off and she mutes it, turns it off and puts it under the seat. Pan to her parked near a place to take pictures. She gets out of the car and puts camera stuff together. Pan to her taking pictures. Shows some random guy walking up to her.

Random Guy: (Shows camera.) "I guess this is a big spot to take pictures, huh?"

Addison: (Looks at her camera than him.) "Yea, I guess."

Random Guy: (Stands there awkwardly and outs hand out for a handshake.) "My names Ryan."

Addison: "My names Addison, are you new around here?"

Ryan: "You could say that, I moved when I was younger but came back for college."

Addison: "Oh ok." (Stands there awkwardly.)

Ryan: (Turning camera off.) "It's pretty cold out, do you want to go grab some coffee?"

Addison: "I actually think I should just head home, I have an art gallery to go to later."

Ryan: "Really? Where?"

Addison: "You stalking me?"

Ryan: (Laughs.) "No, I, uh, just have some of my work being showcased at the local college."

Addison: "Really? That's awesome, I want to go there next year."

Ryan: "Want to talk more about it over coffee?"

Addison: (Sighs.) "Sure."

Pans to Addison and Ryan over coffee laughing and having serious conversations.

Ryan: "What made you get into photography?"
Addison: "Kinda needed my own thing that i could do alone and escape from everything going on."

Ryan: "I feel that, it's awesome to have something like that to yourself, but it's amazing to share it with others."

Addison: "I bet it is, how's the whole college life?"

Ryan: "It's honestly pretty chill, I get to focus on what I want and make everything mine."

Addison: "I would like to do that and maybe open my own photography business one day."

Ryan: "That's awesome, you'll do it, I can tell."

Addison: "Oh really? How do you know that?"

Ryan: "I can just tell, you seem determined." (Checks phone.)

Addison: "Is everything alright?"

Ryan: "No." (Laughs.) "because I would rather sit here and talk to you but I have to go get ready for the show."

Addison: (Getting up to leave.) "Right, maybe I will see you there."

Ryan: (Gets up to put his stuff away.)"I hope so." (Smiles and then leaves.)

Pans to Addison in her car, she is sitting there and sighs and smiles. She than remembers and grabs the phone from under the seat and powers it on and it dings a whole bunch of times. She calls someone.

Addison: (Puts phone to ear.) "Hey mom, yea I'll be home in a little while, he called again? Yea, I know I need to talk to him, yea, I'll call him later. Mom, I don't want to talk about this right now."

Addison's Mom Voice: "You should talk to him, you shut him out." (Sitting in an office.)

Addison: "Mom, relax, it's been a couple days, I just need a break and to get away for a little bit, don't take it so seriously."

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