Chapter 5

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Well, I told you I'll take a break for about a month. But, that's not possible. I love Wattpad. So, I kept on reading and stuff. But, I wrote the story as well. It's not finished but it's nearly there.

So, I hope you enjoy :) Let's start with the story then.

Niall's POV

Oh my god. The little sweetheart. My reason to smile. The little cutie pie- oh why did I think of pies, now I'm hungry. Anyway, Zaynie told that he would like to come with us.

I'm jumping with excitement. Obviously, not physically but mentally. I don't wanna appear as an idiot. 

'Okay, boys if you are so sure about adopting him, why don't we start on with the process.' Olivia asked us interrupting my thoughts.

'Yeah sure. Let's get started then.' Liam answered for all of us.

After hours and hours of boring paperwork and Louis rocking a sleeping Zayn back and fourth, finally we got to take our little Zaynie home.

'Boys, he's still asleep but aren't you all hungry. I'm dying of hunger over here.' I told them which earned me a snort from Harry and an eyeroll from Louis.

'Fine... We'll stop by Nando's on our way/ But first we have to get to our car. There are fans outside.' Liam told us. I groaned.

Don't get me wrong. I love our fans. Like a lot. A lot more than you can even imagine. But sometimes, we just need a little bit of privacy, you know. Anyway, luckily, Paul got us to our car and saved the day. But Zaynie woke up and hugged Louis very tightly burying his face in his neck.

Poor boy must be so scared. If I were a two year old and many screaming girls tried to pull my legs, I would literally cry so hard. But thankfully, he didn't cry, just sniffled. We were able to calm him down.

Bad news. We didn't go to Nando's. We went home and ordered Pizza.

'Ni ni, why were there many girls shouting. I don't like girls 'cept for my mummy. They have cooties.' Zaynie asked me.

'Well Zaynie, me, Liam, Harry and Louis are singers. We sing songs and we have fans who love us a lot. So, they just follow us almost everywhere we go.' I explained.

'Oh...okay. But isn't that creepy?' He asked me. I slightly chuckled.

'It creeps us out sometimes. But Paul comes and saves the day almost every time.' I told him. 

'Yay... Paulie is a superhero. Like spider-man and Ben 10.' He screamed. I laughed at his innocence.

'What's so funny Nialler?' Louis asked me.

'Look at our little Zaynie thinking Paul is like spider-man and Ben 10.' I told him.

'Oh... so, Zaynie, I heard you liked superheroes. We can play them if you want.' Louis told him, gently picking him up.

'Oh no. Not now. Maybe another time. Zayn should go to bed now.' Daddy Direction came in.

'Way to destroy the mood Payno.' Louis grumbled.

'By the way, where is our little Zee Bee going to sleep, we haven't gotten him a bed yet.' Informed Harry.

Hell yeah. We forgot that.

'Well, he can choose to sleep with one of us.' Liam told. He has a solution for every problem.

'Zaynie, with whom so you wanna sleep today?' Harry asked him.

'Louieeee.' He screamed. It was crystal clear that the boy was attached to the Tommo. Probably because of his childish antics.

'Alright then. Off to bed we go.' Louis carried him upstairs to his bedroom.

'I'll change him.' He yelled at us. Can that boy not yell.

'He is so good with kids, isn't he?' I wondered out aloud. I mean, I couldn't even hold my nephew properly.

'Yeah, probably because he has had his practice with his younger sisters.' Harry told him.

Well, that's true, all the three of us had no idea how to take care of a baby because we all are the youngest in our families except for Lou. I guess it's for the best.

So, that's it for this chapter. I'll update later. See ya.

All the love,

Niallandhisburgers ❤❤❤

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