🔞I need you in me •Woosan

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This is the first chapter of this book. I decided to start this today 27.11.2023 because today is Wooyoung's birthday.Hope you enjoy😁


Wooyoung and san are best friends. They like each other for a long time but they don't have the confidence to confess their feelings. In vision they are like boyfriends because of their physical touch.

Wooyoung is a thin soft boy but on the other hand San is a muscular and hot man. San likes wooyoung because he is so pretty the younger looks so unrealistic with his body details.

They are high school students and in the same class.They are best friends for almost 10 years. It is bad that they haven't confessed even in between those 10 years.

"Sannie wake up, we're getting late".The younger trying to get the hands off his waist which was tighted by San's mighty hands.

San loved to give off physical touches and wooyoung too.After a long cuddling time the two of them finally got up from their bed. The two showered and got ready and went for school.

San was driving and wooyoung was in the passenger seat."Woo, do you wanna watch a movie with me tonight" San asked in a soft tone. "I want to but what about the assignments, we haven't done 2 of those". Wooyoung said in a worried tone.."It's fine kiddo, we can finish it later."ok"

They went to the school cafteria after reaching school. They had two iced americanos. After 2 classes they were sent to the soccer ground. Woo and san was very good at playing soccer. On the other hand they were jealous of each other for the interaction between their other male friends.

San was talking to Yeosang about the coming soccer match. Everyone thought wooyoung will join them but instead wooyoung just left the ground after seeing the other two talking so happily. Wooyoung was so jealous and after seeing them interacting and the blood starts boiling inside his veins. Wooyoung came to realisation where he was at the locker room changing his jersey. Wooyoung had no idea about the feeling he felt after that moment. Wooyoung just decided to leave it there but he was still a bit angry on san's actions.

San was searching for wooyoung the whole campus but he came to know that he already left the school halfaway. San quickly changed his outfit and texted wooyoung.


Woo, where are you,?

I'm home
Are you not feeling well, should I come over?
No need, I'm good, attend your classes.
No I am coming don't leave.

San didn't listen to wooyoung and went to their dorm.He knocked on the door aggressively many times but there was no response. Wooyoung inside the room thinking what to do then he decided to open the door. San was shouting really loud by holding Wooyoung's neck and cupping Wooyoung's face with san's wide hands. "I-I'm s-so sorry, sannie, It h-hurttss". Wooyoung said in a frightened and shivering voice. Wooyoung barely could stand straight as his legs were shaking by how scary san was at that time. Wooyoung have not seen this angry and scary face of San.

San's face expressions came to realisation as he let his hands out the youngers neck and said in one breath"woo, why are you like this? Did I do anything wrong, it hurts my heart seeing u like this. I didn't intent to do something that you don't like. I love you woo, I like you so much".

Wooyoung stood shocked after hearing san's confession."You love me? Like me? What are you talking about sannie?

"I-I mean, I j-just. Um, e-er" San spat those words out and he couldn't hold his tears and couldn't hold back anymore.He ran towards woo and pressed his lips on the younger's . San's eyes where tightly shut because he didn't had the courage to look into Wooyoung's eyes.

On the other hand wooyoung was shook because the expression of the feelings that san felt and the taller's hands were cupped into Wooyoung's face. Wooyoung couldn't just do anything but instead he kissed him back. They moved their head to adjust their lips. It was a gentle soft and very passionate kiss.

After some time san pulled back from the kiss and said those words again"Wooyoung, I really liked you at the first moment we met, I tried to hold back my feelings but I'm done holding back. If you don't like me please dont hate me " San's voice was shaking and san was crying already.

Seeing san like this was that something wooyoung couldn't even think of but wooyoung also broke into tears after maintaining eye contact with san.

"Sannie, I like you too, I also wasn't able to confess. I'm really sorry for hurting you" After those sentences they ran into each other and hugged after a minute wooyoung clinged onto San's arms.

San asked "why were u mad at me and why did u left the ground". "I dont like it when u talk to others and seeing u shirtless or wet or when u dress nice and get really sweaty and hard. Today u were looking very handsome."wooyoung said while pouting.

"Hmm ok, let's fix your dirty problem"san said in a naughty tone.

Wooyoung blushed with san's naughty smirk.
"Daddy, ask what your baby needs".wooyoung stated in a moaning tone which made san hard.

"What do u want my baby gurll". San said

"I need you in me daddy"


Almost 944 words but still not completed.
There will be a part 2. And smut scenes on part 2🔞🔥.hope ya'll like this please support me lovelies😍❤️😘

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