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𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ー muzan kibutsuji



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    "YOU'RE ready," Kokushibo declared once (Y/N) had finally been able to cut off his hand that was holding his katana, a small smile on his lips indicating a sense of pride that was almost too enormous to put into words, but the look in his eyes...

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"YOU'RE ready," Kokushibo declared once (Y/N) had finally been able to cut off his hand that was holding his katana, a small smile on his lips indicating a sense of pride that was almost too enormous to put into words, but the look in his eyes was enough for her. "After two years... I know that you are ready."

"Thank you, Kokushibo," (Y/N) murmured with an equally as soft smile as she sheathed her katana. "That means... more to me than you know."

"Yay, (Y/N)-chan!" Douma cheered as he barreled into her, squeezing her tightly whilst nuzzling his cheek into her head. "I'm so happy you're finally strong enough! We'll be able to spar as long as we want to now without you getting too badly hurt!" Pulling away from her and staring into her eyes with his own multicolored one's, his lips curving in delight, he uttered, "Oh, how wondrous it is to finally have this, (Y/N)-chan..."

"Douma..." Kokushibo's hand and katana regrew so he could point the tip of his sword at Douma's neck, the blade just barely scratching at his flesh. "I encourage you to step away from her."

"Aw, why?" Douma crooned, placing a finger to his chin. "Are you perhaps... jealous?"

Kokushibo said nothing.

Yet his darkening gaze spoke volumes.

Akaza, who had been with them the entire time but had stayed silent, merely scoffed at their confrontation he seemed pathetic.

(Y/N) let out a small sigh at the two demons' hostility, her stare slowly descending to the tatami-matted floor so she wouldn't have to look at their malevolent aura. Wrapping her arms around her, she thought about the interactions she had with the demons. From that first night when she met Kokushibo, she had thought that she was going to die, that she would finally be released from the horrors of her present. Instead, she was gifted with the deaths of her parents and the possibility of a new life. However, as she glanced back up to Douma and Kokushibo still glaring each other down, Douma taunting Kokushibo whilst he stayed silent, (Y/N) wondered if she was happy with this present.

She thought about how she had longed for Kokushibo's company when it had only been them in the solitude of her small little cabin.

Then Muzan came.

Muzan, with his overbearing tendencies.

Almost as if on cue, when thinking of the Devil and he shall appear, Muzan's very presence became known all throughout the Fortress upon the twanging of Nakime's biwa. He appeared above them on another platform, his cat-like red eyes shifting from demon to demon until they finally landed on (Y/N), a cruel smirk then appearing on his lips when he did so.

She breathed in deeply.

However, she didn't break eye contact.

After tending to his almost obsessive needs, both mentally and physically, (Y/N) always pondered what was going on in his mind.

She never really knew.

But she wanted to.

"(Y/N)..." Muzan began with that deep, lulling voice of his that slid into her ears like the finest of silks, stroking her skin until she shuddered from the pleasurable way it felt. "It seems you have finally gain the approval of all Upper Moons in correspondence with your training. Though all I ask for is perfection, I guess this much will do." Lifting his chin and lacing his hands behind his back, he continued, "I've recently discovered that those Demon Slayers' little Final Selection takes place on Mount Fujikasane in two days. You'll participate, and when you emerge, you'll be the only survivor. Do I make myself clear, (Y/N)?"

"...what?" She exclaimed in disbelief, her eyes widening at the task he wanted her to complete.

"Is there a problem with what I've asked you to do, (Y/N)?" Muzan's eyes narrowed as his frown deepened, the intensity within his stare making her feel as if the darkness of the ocean were pushing down on her. "Has your training been for nothing? You do realize that by infiltrating the Demon Slayer Corps, you are subjecting your life to me? That is all I ask: for you to be completely mine to use as I please. You are nothing without me. You are dead without me." In but a moment, he had appeared in front of her only a hairbreadth away, his hand lifting to lightly brush his fingers against her chin as he uttered, "So, I ask you: when you emerge, will you be the only survivor?"

    (Y/N) could feel all eyes on her, boring into her, completely tearing her apart.

    She knew this would happen.

    She knew as soon as she became involved with Kokushibo and Muzan as more than just a human to demons. Lowering her gaze, all she could do was give a single nod, realizing that no other answer would be accepted by Muzan. She was right, for as soon as she did so, Muzan's smile returned, relishing the control he had over her that he continued to wind tighter and tighter until she could only ever rely or depend on him until death. Then again, at the thought of her death from the natural process of aging, he found himself displeased. Once he had finally obtained the Blue-Spider Lily, he would make it so (Y/N) could never leave his side, even by death.

    That would be the only outcome.

    If not, Muzan would do everything in his power to correct it to his wishes.

    "Good," Muzan finally hummed in response to (Y/N)'s answer, his eyes flickering upwards to where Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza all stood awaiting his next orders. "(Y/N)... once you pass Final Selection... I don't care about the demons you hunt down. They are all worthless to me, so kill them as you choose. But do not forget where your loyalties lie. Find Kamado Tanjiro. Bring me the Blue-Spider Lily." Resting a hand on her cheek, his sharpened fangs glinting in the light, he whispered, "Afterwords, everything you want and more will be granted to you when you stand by my side for eternity."

    (Y/N) stared deeply into his eyes.

    All she could say was, "Understood, Muzan."

つづく | to be continued

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つづく | to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now