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The freshwater pearls produced by the crocodiles were the main trading goods during the Holy Palace sacrifices. Luo Qiu was very interested in these pearls, which were as big as the paws of a small cub, so he exchanged a set of ceramic cups for them. Some plan to take them back to the tribe and give some to Papaban and Daddy.

Luo Qiu wanted to use the remaining pearls when weaving necklaces for herself and Noko. Adding some shells or something like that would be a very novel decoration.

The cat and the crocodile walked together for a few days, and after crossing a wide river, they came to an area with rolling mountains.

Luo Qiu stood on the grass with a huge leaf of an unknown plant above her head, looking at the rolling mountain tops in the distance under the sun.

The altitude of the entire mountain range is not too high, but as the saying goes, Wangshan is a race to death. According to Luo Qiu's judgment, it would take about half a month to cross the large mountain range in front of him.

However, among the team of cats participating in the Sacred Palace Sacrifice, there were cats who knew the shortcuts. They had crossed various complex terrains to go north more than once. They had rich experience that could lead Luo Qiu and the others to overcome the difficulties in front of them.

After a simple night's rest at the foot of the mountain, the guide Maomao began to lead everyone to integrate the team, rearrange the equipment, and prepare to climb the mountain.

All cats who like to use the form of orcs have thicker animal skins tied to their legs, tied with tougher ropes soaked in tree oil, and the insides of their leather boots are also padded with softer layers of animal skins. The skins serve as buffers, and they are more responsible for using ropes to connect the long-horned beasts carrying goods together. When climbing mountains, they ensure that the formation of these long-horned beasts does not get messed up, and that the goods on their backs do not fall or be missed.

Cats who want to change back to their animal form and climb are not so particular. They are more likely to explore the path and clear obstacles in front of the team. Luo Qiu had been sitting on the long-horned beast for a long time. I was a little numb from the bumps, so I joined the vanguard climbing the mountains and advanced in the form of a cheetah.

As the leader of the team, Noko, the big tiger, naturally has to set an example and be at the forefront when climbing mountains to be alert to all dangers that may arise.

Luo Qiu walked side by side with Noko as another team leader. After all the precautions for climbing the mountain were arranged, the two cats followed the guidance of the experienced cats and walked up the mountain.

The air was quite humid when climbing the mountains in the early morning. Although the altitude of the mountains was not too high, there were still large clouds and mist halfway up the mountain. The heavy moisture gathered on the surface of the leaves, and was picked up by the cats as the team marched. With the friction of the movement, the water droplets mixed with each other and fell like a drizzle of light rain with the vibration.

Luo Qiu jumped to the curved tree root exposed by the dense grass, stretched out her paws and lightly stepped on the soft green moss, shook her ears, and some small water droplets were stained on her fur. .

The big tiger Noko walked a certain distance with his ears erect and kept vigilant, stopped to look around, and then continued to step on the dense grass.

The guide Maomao is quite familiar with the route to climb the mountain. Even if this road has not been repeatedly stepped on for nearly a year and leaves no traces of trampling, the guide Maomao can still rely on the perception and memory of the direction. Find the way to go by marking the middle tall trees.

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