Chapter one

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It was a bright September morning,Jenny woke up brushing her blonde hair out her face. She got out her bed and grabbed her favorite clothes,a rainbow striped long sleeved shirt,a pair of sky blue pants,and some red suspenders.She stared out her window with her ice blue eyes."First day of school",she whispered to herself."Jennifer Pierce!"her mom called from downstairs."Breakfast is ready!" "Coming!" Jenny yelled back.She ran down the stairs sliding into the kitchen where a plate of pancakes and some orange juice was waiting for her."Ready for school dear?" Her mom asked "Yeah,I just gotta get my backpack from the attic."She replied sipping her orange juice. "Well go get it before your late,the bus will be here anytime soon"Jenny shoved a forkfull of pancake in her mouth and ran up the stairs and up the ladder to the attic.She past by dusty boxes and stopped to look at an old toolbox she instantly thought of her dad,who died in an explosion when she was only 3,she walked over to her blue backpack with little bee designs on it.She picked it up and left the attic taking one last look at the toolbox coated in dust and spider webs.She ran out the door and to the bus."Bye mom!"she yelled as she got on the bus. She sat next to her redheaded friend,Marla."How was summer Jenny?"she asked."oh it was fun,we went to Disneyland, the beach,even the zoo!"Jenny said with a very happy tone "That sounds wicked! We just went to the creek and then went fishing"Marla said with an equally happy voice."Move out my way!"a very loud voice was heard from the front of the bus.Jenny looked up and saw a girl with short black hair and a mean looking face"Who's that?"she asked."That's Carly, the most popular and meanest girl in middle school"Marla said with a dull voice."well I don't know about you,but I don't like her..."Jenny commented."What was that?" Jenny saw that Carly was right in her face looking even more angry."I said I don't like you"She said with confidence."Bad move maggot" Carly said before smacking Jenny in her face causing her to hit the window.Most kids saw this but didn't bother to speak.Carly walked all the way to the back and sat down laughing."Well she's mean"Marla squeaked."Yeah no kidding"a older boy,about 14 said."She once made a girl leave the hole town once"Jenny sighed happily as they pulled into her school.She got off the bus and avoided Carly and a few other girls with her completely."Remind me not to sit with them at lunch"Jenny later found herself being laughed at because of her clothes "What kind of shirt is that?" "Ha,where did ya get your clothes,Goodwill?"Jenny hid herself under the bleachers for all of gym class.Finally the day was over,when she got home she layed on her bed all day long.For the rest of the week she didn't wanna go to school."My head hurts"she would say."I can't walk I hurt my ankle" Jenny felt like trash.She just stayed in bed all day.Not doing anything besides watching a little Adventure Time or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Next Monday She went to school.She wound up finding herself on the balcony with Carly and her group."Carly go away"she growled under her breath looking down at the sidewalk 12 feet below."Why should I?"she said."because I'll tell my mom...and she doesn't take any foolishness" "Aww..your gonna get your mommy?How cute"one of the group members said."Penny,how about we make a deal"Carly said evily."Its Jenny,and what is it"Jenny growled."You tell your mom...we throw you off the balcony tomorrow...You don't... We'll just leave you alone" "Fat chance! Like I'd believe you'd do something like that"just then Carly grabbed her arm."You think I won't do it?"just then Carly pushed her off the balcony, Sending Jenny to her doom.Jenny hit the concrete with a loud thud.Everything went black...

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